Best friends

11 1 2

A/N: This chapters going to be long guys.

The next day I woke up to a sore butt and some bruised legs. despite the pain i noticed that my alarm clock wasn't beeping. I looked at the clock and it said. Oh uh what did it say oh it was so blurry I couldn't really make it out. Oh yea that's right I didn't tell you guys I'm supposed to wear glasses but I look ugly in them. So I wear contacts instead. But luckily I have glasses on my side table so I can see in the morning. So I picked up my glasses and looked at the time. The time was NINE O'CLOCK!!!!!! Oh no I was late for my bus and school. I'm supposed to be on the bus at Seven Fifty and at school by Eight fifteen. So I jumped out of bed put in my contacts. Ran back in my room got dressed and put on my shoes. Then I ran down stairs grabbed an apple and my book bag. Then ran back up stairs into my moms room.

MOM MOM WAKE UP I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!! I yelled hoping to wake her up but she didn't get up so I walked over to her bed and shook it.

MOM MOM COME ON!!!!!!! IF IM LATE AGAIN I'LL GET DETENTION!!!!! I lied I'm never that late until today. But she still wasn't waking up so I pulled the giant mess of covers off the bed. It was then that I realized my mom wasn't there. So I looked around her room and saw a note on her mirror it read.

Went to work Jess be back at five. Remember you have ice skating today so make sure your there at twelve. And if you wante to invite Aubrey and Ace over I'm good with that. See you soon ~love mom. p.s it's Saturday in case you forgot again that's why I didn't wake you up.

Oh okay now I know why she didn't wake me up. Well I still have two hours to kill. So ill invite Aubrey and Ace over. Oh yea by the way Ace is my other best friend I've know him and Aubrey my whole life. Chelsea also has a crush on Ace and everyone knows that. So Chelsea is only nice to me when Ace is around but Ace knows Chelsea is mean to me that's why he won't go out with her. Also Chelsea isn't Aces type. Well anyway I'm going to invite them over now.

So I picked up my phone and dialed Ace first. It started ringing then got picked up and i was greeted by Ace.

Hello is this the pizza man? he joked

No this is Chelsea I wanted to ask you on a date for the millionth time. I joked in return

Haha very funny. So wats up?

Oh just wanted to invite you over to my house. My moms at work and she said you and Aubrey could come over.

Oh okay ill be right over.

Okay see you when you get here bye.

Bye. he said as we both hung up the phone.

I knew it wouldn't take him long to get here we live in the same neighbor hood. He only lives a few houses down so he could technically walk. But of course he had to ride his motorcycle. Oh yea I forgot to mention I'm in high school and I'm sixteen so is Ace. But Aubrey is fifteen. Only a year younger than everyone else but she's still cool. She skipped kindergarten and got in out grade. But I knew her before that and Ace two. I knew them both before school even started for us. Well anyway I better call Aubrey. Oh ill just walk. Oh yea Aubrey lived right next to me. Ace lives like five houses down well anyway.

I threw on a coat took off my book bag grabbed a key then walked outside locking the door behind me. It was really cold out today and to make matters worse i was wearing shorts. I thought it was going to be warm so I had put on a short sleeve shirt some shorts and a pair of combat boots. Anyway I had reached the door of Aubrey's house and knocked. As soon as I did Aubrey came out.

Hey. she said excitedly

How did you come so fast?

Ace called me and said you would probably come over and invite me over. So I was waiting down stairs. she said with a giggle

Oh okay well lets go. I said as we started walking. Then before you know it we were at my house.

Man I can't believe Ace isn't already here. I said as I took out my key and unlocked the door

I know he's always here before you come back. She said as we walked inside

Then we headed upstairs into my room. And as soon as I opened the door Ace jumped out.

AHHHHHH!!!!! I screamed as I jumped back

Hahahaha Aubrey laughed and so did Ace

That was not funny! I said as I gave Ace a little playful punch

Yea your right I'm sorry it wasn't funny. he said as he stopped laughing. It was hilarious look at this video. he said then played it.

Oh my god!!!! Ace I can't believe you recorded that!!! Please don't show to anyone.

Okay don't worry I won't show it to anyone ill just send it to Justin. he said with a little evil chuckle. Justin is the guy I wish would go out with me. The guy I get butterflies when I'm around him or even look at him. So what I'm saying is Justin is my crush.

DON'T YOU DARE!! I screamed with an evil look in my eyes

Lets see Justin "click" send "swish"

NOOOOO!!!! YOU RUINED MY LIFE ACE!!! ONCE HE SEE'S THAT HE'LL LAUGH AT ME FOREVER!!! I screamed devastated that he did that

Yea that was a little harsh don't you think!? Aubrey said backing me up

No I don't think it was harsh at all. Ace said grinning

Wow your really cold hearted you know. Aubrey said standing up for me

I HATE YOU ACE!!!!! I yelled at him. "Swish" That was my phone. OH LOOK IT'S PROBABLY JUSTIN LAUGHING AT THE VIDEO OF ME!!!! I yelled as I went to go get my phone. Oh what's this? I said my voice lowering to a normal tone

The video I sent to "Justin". he said with air quotes so we knew that it wasn't really to Justin. I wanted to see how much you would really care. I didn't know you had a crush on him. Ace said while poking me.

I don't have a crush on him. I testified

Look Aubrey already knows that you like him. So why didn't you tell me you liked him!?

Because your friends with him and I didn't want you blabbing it out or dropping any hints about me. I want him to go out with me because he truly likes me not because his friend told him to. I said being looking serious now

Okay that's fair. he said nodding his head. but don't you guys have to be at ice skating in five minuets!? he said pointing to the clock

Oh my god!! Yes we do!! me and Aubrey said at the same time.

Okay you need to get changed into something different. Ace said pointing to me. Your ready right Aubrey?

Yes I'm ready she said as she looked at her clothes. She was wearing a purple and black ice skating jacket with a pair of purple and black matching pants and a pair of black combat boots. She also had her zuca (an ice skating bag with wheels) downstairs.

Okay good get Jessica's key and zuca ready for us to leave.

Okay. Aubrey said as she ran down the stairs

Okay get out my ice skating pants and jacket while I go brush my teeth. I said while putting my boots in my room then running into the bathroom

Okay. Ace said as he took out my stuff

After I finish brushing my teeth I ran into my room and put on my socks. Okay Ace have your mom take Aubrey and the ice skating stuff to the rink. I said taking out my phone for him to call his mom.

Okay. he said as he dialed the number and headed downstairs so I could change

I quickly took off my shirt and put on a light blue one to match the blue on the jacket and pants. Then I put on the jacket took off my shorts and put on the ice skating pants. After that I put on my combat boots and ran down stairs. I grabbed my key locked the door then ran outside. Ace was waiting for me on the motorcycle. He held out my phone so I put it in my pocket and hopped on the back of the motorcycle.

My mom took Aubrey and the ice skating bags already so lets go. Hold on tight. He said and the motorcycle went flying.

I quickly rapped my arms around him and before I knew it we were there.

Hope you liked the chapter ~stela101

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