Chapter 8

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I'm home mom. I said as I walked in, but no response so I looked around until I saw a note on the fridge it read.

Jessica you'll have to go over to Ace's until I can get home him and his mom already know about it all you have to do is wait till I pick you up. Love you - mom p.s Ace and his mom are taking you skating

Yay I get to go to Ace's. I said to myself picking up my phone getting ready to go over there

Awesome I heard someone say behind me

Ahh!! I screamed as I turned around and punched them in the stomach

Ow!!! Ace said holding his stomach

Omg Ace I am so sorry. Are you ok? I asked as I leaned in to look at him

Uh I don't know I think I need a hug. he said as he stood up

Alright I'll give you a hug. I said as I gave him a big hug

Yay. he said as he put his arms around me when I started to pull away from the hug

Oh what now? I asked laughing a little

This. he replied giving me a big kiss on the cheek with his arms still around me

Ew Ace were supposed to be friends! I said looking up at Ace who was still holding onto me. Ace has always been taller than me with his muscles, dark brown hair, and his deep green eyes that were beautiful.

Oh sorry it's just well you know. Ace said stuttering then letting me go. Ace has had a crush on me ever since we met. He has asked me out like a million times already but I only like him as a friend

Its ok but I do have one question how did you get in my house without me hearing the door? I asked him curiously

Cause I'm a ninja. He said then with one swift move I was in his arms being held like a baby

Very funny Ace. I said laughing a little

Ok let's go to my house. Ace said walking out the door locking it then putting of us both on his motor cycle. Like always he put me in front of him so he could put his arms around me to get to the handle bars. A few seconds later we pulled into his driveway

You know we could have just walked. I said laughing

I know but I like using my motorcycle. Now come on my princess. He said laughing then picking me up again

We're here mom. Ace yelled while we both walked into his house but to our surprise it was empty

Where's your mom? I asked looking at Ace

I guess she's not here so we'll just have to be alone. Ace said looking at me while lifting his eye brows up and down

Ace stop being weird. I laughed walking into the living room. I looked back and saw that Ace was following me so I laughed and sat on the floor knowing that he would probably want me to sit on the couch with him

Hey what are you doing silly? He laughed scooping me up. Don't you want to get ready for iceskating?

Oh man I forgot all about iceskating!! I said looking at my clothes. I'll be back

Ok we're here. Ace said as we ran inside the ice rink

Good see you after lessons. I said running onto the ice after putting my skates on

What did you think of lessons today? I asked ace while sitting down on his couch

It was very good. He smiled sitting down next to me

Jessica your mom said she isn't going to be home till morning. Aces mom said stepping into the room

Can she stay here mom please? Ace pleaded

Yes she may Ace it's ok with her mom and me. Would you like to stay the night? Aces mom asked very nicely

Why I would love to thank you so much. I answered warmly

No problem dear. I'm going up to bed Ace. Aces mom said heading upstairs

I am really tired. I said yawning and laying my head on Aces should. I then felt myself being lifted as I faintly saw Ace carrying me upstairs. He lightly laid me on his bed as he lifted off his shirt man he looked good without a shirt on. Anyway he then took off his pants. I guess he thought I was asleep because he took off my shirt and pants also leaving me lay there in my bra and underwear. I was to tired to do much so I just got under the covers. Ace then walked over to the bed and got under the covers too. He wrapped his arm around me and we both went to sleep

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