Something's off

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It's Friday evening in Korea. Jennie is already home with Lucas and Gregory. Jennie is preparing their dinner while Ms. Dorothy is looking after the boys. The boys are inside their playroom playing bricks and lego.


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„Hyung. Can I please have the red one please?" Gregory ask Lucas. Lucas hand the red bricks to his younger brother.

It might confused us sometimes. With one set of twins the first one that comes out from their mother or delivered first is the younger one and the last one is the older one. That is why, between Lucas and Gregory, Lucas is the hyung.

„Lucas, you are a good hyung. You should always look after each other okay?" Ms. Dorothy said

„I will miss, Mama and Mommy said that I will always look after Greggy" Lucas said proudly

Gregory look at Lucas proud of his older brother.

„I will take care of you too Hyung, no matter what." Gregory says and hug her brother.

Miss Dorothy take a picture of the boys and sent it to Jennie.

After 30 minutes, They heard that Lisa's car arrive and they run to greet their Mommy.

„Mama! Mommy's home!!" Gregory shout

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„Mama! Mommy's home!!" Gregory shout

„Hi Mommy!!" Lucas runs towards Lisa and Lisa kneel down to her kids.

„Hey boys! I miss you guys!" Lisa said hugging her kids. She then start to tickle the boys that results them laughing so hard.

„Hi Baby." Jennie left the kitchen and greeted Lisa herself . She then peck Lisa's lips

„How's your recording?" Lisa said

„It was alright. Baby, I need to tell you something after dinner alright? Something came up so.." Jennie says while walking back to the kitchen.

„Let's go follow Mama?" Lisa says

„Yehey!!" The boys really miss Lisa. They are both carried by their mommy. They are going to have their dinner.

The Mrs. (Book 2 of The Heiress and the KPOP Princess Where stories live. Discover now