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„So Jennie how is married life?" Says the host of the talk show

Jennie is having an interview with a Korean program regarding her come back. Her promotions is on point and starting to sky rocket again.

Jennie smile hearing about her family.

„Married life , hmmmm it's been pretty amazing." Jennie answered

„C'mon Jennie tell us something I'm sure your fans are curious of how is Jennie Kim, well now Jennie Kim Manoban the Princess of KPOP as a wife and a mother" says the host

„Haha I know but I don't really know, I mean the only person that can answer that truthfully is my wife and the twins, right?" Jennie said „Im gonna be biased if I talk about myself and you know that I don't like talking about myself" Jennie added and laugh

„Well, thats true. Oh wait, Jennie, our floor director says that Your very own family would like to answer that question for you, is it okay if we call your wife and twins on stage?" The host says. She really is excited to see Lisa on tv and the the twins for the first time

„Really?? I'm not informed that they're here, last time I check they're home and the kids are still asleep. Are they really here??" Jennie ask manager Oppa. And he just nod and smile. „Then okay" she added

„Wonderful!!!" the host says „ ladies and gentlemen for the first time and exclusive only in Ytv, Let us all welcome CEO LISA MANOBAN KIM with their adorable sons." Host added

The live audience shouts and scream seeing Lisa and the twins. Some are eyeing Lisa as usual, who wouldn't? She is looking hot with her suit. And the two kids are adorable. Lucas came out very confident as he is while Gregory is the shy type. When they reached the couch where Jennie is sitting, the three of them bow down first to the host and then to the audience.

The three of them kiss Jennie on the cheeks and sat beside her. Jennie pinch Lucas cheeks and kiss Gregory's small hand.

„They are adorable" The host look at the kids „and look at this fine peace" She then look at Lisa and wink. Lisa just laugh at her.

„Ehem.. she's married" Jennie joke

„Ohhh Jennie Kim is jealous type" The host joke back and the audience laugh

„Hello. Thank you for the surprise, I mean. We didn't expect this, I hope our producer can pay your talent fee CEO MANOBAN." The host joke and all of the laugh „well I think our company can afford you for only 10 minutes TV appearance before we get bankrupt" she added. The whole studio burst into laughters.

„Hi!" Lucas said and smile. He is sitting beside Jennie and Gregory.

„Hello young man! So tell us your names" The host says

„Annyeong! My Name is James Lucas Kim Manoban, I'm 3 years old. Please continue loving Mama, not Mommy because Mama will be jealous." Lucas said and the whole studio burst into laughters including the Cameramen who are now wiping tear tears because of too much laughter.

„Hi. I'm Martin Gregory Kim Manoban and I'm also three and the maknae. He is my hyung. Please take care of our Mama." he then bow down again

Everyone was awestruck to the twins. The couple look at their kids adoringly and full of love and pride..

The interview is doing really well. And the rating of that show is getting high. The interview is about to end.

„So Jennie, please do invite your fans again for your comeback concert. I'm sure the tickets are already sold out" The host says

„Oh yes! To all my fans and supporters, thank you for all the love and support all through these years. I will be having a comeback concert in 2 months, please do come and support me." Jennie said

Everyone scream and shout Jennie's Name. Her Fans club are also present during the show and they're getting wild.

After the interview they get the chance to meet Jennie backstage with the three.. they gave Lucas and Gregory some new toys and a bouquet of daisies to Jennie.. Lucas is really having a good time with people while Gregory is sitting with her mommy playing games in his ipad and her phone.

They were about to leave the studio when Lisa's phone rings. The name of the caller registered „Mum" she then quickly take the call.

„Mum?" Lisa said

„Lis..Lisaaaa" Mrs. Kim says

„Mum? What's going on?? Why are you sobbing?" Lisa said worriedly

„Lisa.. your Dad.. please come to KIM International Hospital.." Mrs. kim says. She didn't finish what she's about to say when Lisa end the call and walk fast to Jennie who is now plying with Lucas and Gregory inside the waiting room.

„Babe, we need to go now. Mum called.." Lisa tells Jennie and then Jennie look at her. Lisa face is mixture of worries and fears.

„What's going on? Baby?" Jennie ask her

„Babe, we need to go now. Ahmm.. we need to go to KIH. Mum and Dad are there." Lisa said and grabe Lucas and Gregory and ask Miss Dorothy to walk the kids outside to the Car.

Lisa hold and hug Jennie. Jennie is trying not to cry in front of her kids. Lisa instructed their body guards and drivers to bring them to KIH. She wanted to ask Miss Dorothy to bring home the kids but The twins are having tantrums so to save time. They all went straight to KIH. They arrived to the Emergency Room and Doctors are waiting for them outside the ER. When the doctor saw them approaching, they all bow down to them.

„Speak" Lisa said in a serious tone

One of the doctor explains the situation. Lisa's arm did not leave Jennie. She is hugging her wife while walking to the VIP suite and while the Doctor explains.

„CEO KIM had a Heart Attack. He is now on the VIP Suite resting. Test are already made and we are just waiting for the result." Doctor Martin says. He is the senior Cardiologist consultant in KIH

They reached CEO KIMS suite and Jennie walk fast and open the door. She saw her mum sitting beside her dad sobbing and holding his hand.

„Mum" Jennie calls her mom with tears flowing in her face

„Nini. He had a cardiac arrest" Mum says

Jennie hugs her mom and then Lisa and the twins enters the room. The twins are confuse why their grandpop lying in the bed unconscious. Gregory walk to check her grandpop.

„Hyung! Grabpop is alive. He is just sleeping. Look!" Gregory point her grandpop's chest. The raise and fall of his grandpop chest is visible

Lucas look at it and smile a little.

„Granpop Kim will be fine Luke, okay? Nothing to worry. We will do our best to help him." Lisa tries to comfort Lucas

Gregory went to her Mama and hug her.

„Mama, don't cry. Granpop is okay. He is breathing. He will be fine Mama. Please don't cry. If you cry Hyung Lucas will cry then Gregory will cry then Mommy Lisa will cry and be sad Mama, please don't cry" Gregory caress his mother's cheeks and kiss her many times

Jennie feels a little better with what Gregory did. She hugged his son tight and the boy did the same..

Someone enters the room and introduce her name as Nurse Mary. When nurse Mary check the cardiac monitor it is showing that the patient is having a ventricular fibrillation which means the patient is having another cardiac arrest. The Nurse press the red button beside the patients bed and start CPR. While doing the CPR The code blue team arrived.

„Daaaaaaaaaaaad!!" Jennie is screaming inside the room and Lisa grab her and removed her from the room. Jisoo and Rosè arrive and saw what's happening, she then grab Mrs. kim And Rosè took the kids out from the room.

The Mrs. (Book 2 of The Heiress and the KPOP Princess Where stories live. Discover now