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Tonight is Jennie Kim Manoban's comeback. The Stadium is filled of fans who are all excited for her comeback. Jennie is already there in her dressing room waiting for the show to start. Anne her long time make up artist and friend is checking everything to make sure Jennie is ready. The door of the waiting room opened and revealed someone with bouquet of flowers.

„Mr. Hanbin good evening" Anne said after she opens the door and bow down to Hanbin. The latter did the same.

„Hi! Good evening is Jennie here?" He asked Anne

„Yes, she's here. Please come in." Anne open the door wide

Jennie heard the door being opened and when she check who that person is.

„Hanbin" Jennie look at shocked seeing Hanbin in front of her

„Jennie, hello. It's been a while. Here's for you." Hanbin handed the flowers to Jennie and Jennie politely accepted it.

„How are you? How's life?" he ask

Anne look at the two and decided to take a seat and mind her own business. She heard before that these two dated for a year but it was not confirmed. That is when Jennie's career is just starting. She is sitting in the couch but eavesdropping the two. Of course she will always be with Lisa's side.

„Everything is good. I am married now and have kids, well twins actually. Boys" Jennie smiles talking about Her family

„Yes, I heard about your marriage. I'm just disappointed because I wasn't invited" Hanbin look serious when he said that

Jennie's eyes opened wide hearing that. „ oh, sorry ai. We only have closest family and friends. Sorry if you weren't included in the list" Jennie said sincerely

„That's okay, that was long time ago. I mean, I'm just your ex so why would I be in your wedding" hanbin tease Jennie. Jennie is about to answer him when the door of the waiting room opens and revealed the twin followed by Lisa with a very huge bouquet of daisies.

„Mama!!" Gregory and Lucas run towards here and Jennie kneel down and spread her arms to embrace the twins.

„These must be your boys" Hanbin said to Jennie. Jennie nod.

Lisa walk towards Jennie and give her the bouquet of daisies. She then look at Jennie and look at Hanbin and look at Jennie again. Wondering who that guy it.

„Baby, this is Kim Hanbin. A friend." Jennie introduced Lisa to Hanbin „ Hanbin this is my lovely wife Lalisa Manoban Kim" she added

„Ohh the great Manoban. It's been a pleasure to finally meet you." Hanbin said. Lisa's eyebrow raised a little. She's smelling sarcasm

„The pleasure is all mine" She then shake Hanbins hands

Lisa then look at Anne who is now playing with the twins. When Anne felt that someone is looking at her. These two can understand each other. So Anne stand up and say something to cut off the tension.

„Jennieyah, we need to retouch your make up. The show will start in 30" Anne says

„I think its my cue to leave now." Hanbin said. Jennie look at him and nod and smile a little. Lisa too. So it won't be rude for him. „Jennie, maybe we can catch some other time maybe a dinner date? I mean a friendly dinner, just to catch up?" Hanbin added

Lisa is now clenching her fist with what she heard. She's about to lost it when Jennie place her hand to Lisa's waist and peck her lips. Jennie can sense that Lisa is trying to be cool.

„Sure. That can be arrange. But Lisa and the kids will be with us" Jennie said

Hanbin looks really pissed when she heard what Jennie said. He just smile and left.

„What was that Jennie Kim Manoban?" Lisa asked her wife

„That's Hanbin babe, that's well we you know we dated." The last words almost in whispered

„What baby? I can't hear you." Lisa tease her wife

„Baaaaaaabe.. come on you heard me" Jennie said

„I didn't. Say it a little louder" Lisa hold Jennie's waist and look at her wife lovingly

„He's my ex. We dated before" Jennie look at Lisa and her expression

„Hmmmmmm" Lisa

„What? You not saying anything?" Jennie asking her wife tickling her

„He's ugly." Lisa said. Jennie just smile at Lisa „boys" Lisa added

„Yes, Mommy?" The twins ask their Mom

„You saw that guy earlier with Mama?" Lisa ask the kids. Jennie is slapping her arm anxious of what Lisa is going to say in front of the kids.

„Lisa" Jennie is trying to stop Lisa from talking

„Yes, Mommy. Why?" Gregory ask her Mommy

Lucas in the other hand is now preoccupied with the new Lego that Anne gave them.

„Do you think he's more good looking than Mommy? If Mommy were a Boy?" Lisa ask Gregory hoping to hear the answer that she want to answer

„You're beautiful Mommy and that Mr. With specs , yes he is good looking too." Gregory says

Lisa is trying not to break down and cry like a kid when her son did not give her the answer that she want.

„Mommy is just jealous of that Mr. Greggy. Haven't you heard? That Mr. Is Mama's ex. He would have been our father but no, we are more than special to be born with Mama and Mommy, so to answer your question Mommy, yes that Mr. Is handsome but he is nothing compares to you. You are the greatest don't be jealous of him." Lucas says while trying to form his Lego

The three adult look at Lucas in awe. Surprise of what he said. Actually Lisa and Jennie are use with this type of answers from the twins. Their level of intellect is just overwhelming and huge compared to other kids their age.

Lisa walk towards Lucas and kneel in front of him and hug him tight.

„Remind me son how old are you again?" Lisa tease Lucas and hug him again.

„Mommy, don't get jealous. If he try to steal Mama, I will kick him myself" Lucas whisper to Lisa

Lisa giggle hearing Lucas's antics..

„Jennieyah, its show time." says the floor director.

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