Chapter 3

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Where am I? 

A cooling breeze passed over me as I pulled myself up agonizingly slowly from the comforts of a soft white mattress. Carefully I walked around the bed and pulled apart the white linen curtains protecting me from the outside world. On high alert I walked down corridor after corridor, not really knowing where I was going until I saw a familiar face, it was the girl who swamped my vision before I blacked out. 

Swiftly I had her pinned against the wall, arm against her neck, body against hers. She cowered underneath me clearly from uncertainty, am I a friend or foe. She'll have to figure that one out on her own. 

'Where am I,' I questioned forcefully. 

'Please don't strangle me' she managed to choke out. I empathised with her, just a bit. 'I'm not going to if you tell me where I am, where Iris is and who you are.' Without hesitation, she responded, 'you're in Kilfall, the capital of Sani, your sister is waiting for you with Jungkook outside the hospital, and I'm Elena.' 

I let her go. 'I like you, please take me to her,' 'yes ma'am.' I couldn't resist the grin that spread across my face, and neither could Elena. Not foe. 

As promised we swiftly arrived outside the hospital, a very plain grey building, and were greeted by a lion? What the fu... 'Kihyun, Aelin's here.' Just like that, the man with cat eyes was standing in front of me. I took a double-take, and so did Iris, clearly. 

He had a slender face and prominent cheekbones, perfect pink lips and nose with eyes a multitude of colors, green, brown, gold, circled with brown eyeshadow. Dark brown hair styled to perfection on his head, swiped round to the left side. Two small silver hoops stud his earlobes as well as a chain looped around his neck twice. He wears a white leather jacket done up with dark grey pants. He looks like one of my daggers, thin, agile, perfectly sculpted.

'I don't swing that way Aelin', 'sorry' he gave me an unapologetic look as a blush spread across my face. 'None of my business,' I responded with a shrug. Elena and Jungkook were in hysterics. Wow. 

So this is what it's like to die. 'He gets that a lot apparently' responded Iris, as she rolled her eyes I scowled. 'So you're what, a cat shifter' I questioned. He raised his eyebrows and chuckled 'depends what type of cat you're referring to....' 'Are you more a stay at home cat or a mice catching cat', I smirked, then flinched as he released a low guttural growl in response, 'soooo, more of the.....I will eat your face off if you step within one meter of my personal space cat.' 

He nodded 'I like her' he said to Jungkook, 'me too' he responded with a grin. 'I thought you just said you don't swing that way', a voice behind me said, obviously it was Baekhyun, I could practically smell the diva radiating off of him. He turned to me with a solemn face, 'Aelin I'm sorry, I was given fal.....' 'I know, Jungkook told me' as much as it pained me to say it 'so now we have a mutual agreement, and the other doesn't owe the other any debts, agreed.' He smirked 'agreed'......' for now.' I will actually kill him thi.... 

'Now' Elena interrupted 'boss' directed at Baekhyun, 'wait, he's your boss', 'surprise' Jungkook said. I gently swatted him across the head before returning my attention to Elena. 'The fae have requested we send three representatives to sign the treaty of friendship, I recommend you send Kihyun, and Aelin.' 

I whipped my head around so fast Elena got a faceful of my hair, 'I'm sorry WHAT', 'and myself', 'hang on WHAT' I retaliated, 'I'm not even a part of your kingdom', Baekhyun interrupted 'but you wanted somewhere safe to stay, Jackson will be here in a bit, it will be safer for you if you are constantly on the move, and the fae court have protections, Jackson will not be able to enter without a permit.' 

It is tempting 'but Iris will be....' 'with Jungkook and me the whole time' Baekhyun cut me off mid sentence. I gulped, then Kihyun was in front of me 'are you scared Aelin?' I gave him the best death stare I could muster before the grin on his face became infectious and I too began grinning and following him to the weapons hall to get kitted up. 

Well, this should be fun, right. I'm sure the fae are really welcoming and open to assassins who have killed their people because their stupid demon master asked them too. Right?


'Where is the prophet they speak of you little piece of shit' aghh, the satisfying sound of skin on skin as I left yet another red mark on his face. 

We found this fae walking the streets with our people, another one of their spies who just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when we needed fae scum to answer our questions. The man squirmed under my gaze, the pain inflicted on him visible through his eyes and trembling body. 'Please, I didn't even know there was a prophet, what are you talking about, I have no idea.'

'Don't lie to me or I'll bring Evelyn here to have her fun.' 'Please, please, i'll do anything you want, just no more pain, please.' 

Now I'm bored.

'Well, in that case', death. 

His scream echoed around the cold, blood stained walls, as did Evelyn's laugh when she witnessed his death. 'That one was fun'. 

Evelyn was beautiful, with long jet black slick hair and her thin face complemented her agile body. I love her more than anything. 

Sometimes I think she loves death more than me, and it's going to get her killed one day. 

The smirk left my face, I hate doing Jooheon's dirty work for him, can't he interrogate them on his own. Evelyn started to massage my shoulders as I cleaned my sword, I don't particularly need the sword, I can kill just by looking at my victims, but his begging became insufferable. 'What's wrong Sunggyu?' Evelyn questioned.

'Its been weeks and we are still no closer to finding this so-called prophet, if there even is one.' Her features darkened and I quickly checked myself, 'I trust Jooheon with my life and will protect him with mine, but all I'm saying is it's frustrating not being able to find this stupid bastard.' 

'I know, I feel the same, and all this interrogating is getting kinda boring, there all the same'. I stood up and swiftly started toward Jooheon's throne room as a thought crossed my mind. 

'Jooheon' I called 'here' he responded. We don't have that sort of king prince relationship you would think of, we are more colleagues in that field. And I would like to keep it that way. Jooheon was sat on his throne, black eyes trained on me. His dark ginger hair stood up in spikes on top of his head and stood out as the only color in the whole room while his black coat swamped him all the way past his feet. 

'I have an idea as to who we can question on the prophet matter', no response. 

'The boy in the dungeons, Luciarnous', that got his attention, 'yes, I like that idea, but, make sure you don't let who he is slip, he isn't to know he is fae.' With a nod of agreement and a smirk from Evelyn, we left for the dungeons. 

The boy is in for a hellhole of pain, but it doesn't matter I tell myself, he doesn't know who he is, where he is from, what day it is or how old he is. 

He probably doesn't even know if he is alive.

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