Chapter 25

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Taehyung POV 

I love you too.

That was all I could respond because it's true. The whole time I was worried about protecting everyone, I was blind to the love I felt for him and him for me. The irony, while I hoped someone would break down the walls Minhyuk had built, I should've been breaking down Hyungwon's. Finally, he has let me into his mind, to see his feelings. And finally, I can understand why he has left it until now to tell me. For the first time, I smiled towards Hyungwon, and although I saw the tears fall silently from his eyes for the first time, he smiled back.

Aelin POV 

"Jackson?" He silently hovered over me, breath mingling with mine and spoke quietly, "why did you leave?" I was absolutely astounded as a half-laugh escaped me. "Because your possessive ass couldn't handle the god damned rejection", I sat up and pushed him away. "How am I awake by the way," "because of the war everyone was distracted, I went into Jooheon's castle and stole the antidote obviously", "Obviously" I imitated him putting my hands out. 

A long silence spread between us before I quietly spoke, "thank you". "You're welcome", "but I should be the one apologizing, I kept you in my lair for 19 years because I was afraid, so god damn afraid that Jooheon would find you, so I told him about you, pretending I was holding you hostage." 

I was shocked, he actually cared about me? All this time I thought he was using me, it was actually the opposite. Looking down in shame I spoke once again quietly, "I'm sorry for using you, you knew my parents died and left me so you took me in and protected me, even if it ended up costing you your life", Jackson softly held my face in his hands as his thumb stroked my cheek I leaned into him finally realizing just how much I missed his touch. "I took you in, but it wasn't pity in the end, I protected you because I couldn't live without you, I love you Aelin and the fact you ran away just killed me inside". 

Tears fell from his eyes as he enveloped me in the most affectionate hug I had ever received. Just then I realized something, pulling myself out of his embrace I spoke alarmed, "did you say war", "yes". Shit, I need to help now. 

"Jackson we need to go and fight", "Aelin, why on god's earth would w..." Sharply I grabbed his hand, "because if we don't we're going to die anyway". He ran a shaking hand through his hair before announcing, "fine, but you stay by my side no matter what, okay?" 

I smiled thankfully before pecking him on the lips and skipping away. "AELIN, you can't just do that and leave, I swear to god."

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