At the ranch

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Saturday morning

Lanes POV-   My alarm went of again. I hit the snooze button about 10 times before Rusty came into my room yelling at me to get up. So I got up and went into my bathroom and got into the shower. I started to wash my hair I than rinsed out my conditioner, and body wash. I stepet out of my shower and wraped my towel around my body. I started to walk to my bedroom when my mom yelled at me to get dressed now and that I can do my make up in the truck. But I just ignored her. I went into my room and started to get dress. After I got dress I did my hair into a braid which was really cute.

 After I got dress I did my hair into a braid which was really cute

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Lane's bathroom

The hair style and outfit Lane is wearing

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The hair style and outfit Lane is wearing.

I got into my truck, and pulled out of my driveway. I started to listen to God's Country but right in middle of the song I stoped at IFA to get some horse feed/ grain. After about almost 20 minutes looking for the grain I left. I finnaly arived at the ranch. I got out of my truck and went inside the barn and started to water, and feed all 20 horse's. When I was done with all of that I went over to my tack room and started cleaning it up. I was in middle of putting saddles away when my phone was ringing. 

Me- Hello

Mom- Hey sweetheart

Me- Mom what's wrong? Because you sound like you are crying.

Mom- Hun it's your dad something happened to him last night.

Me- What happened to him mom iiiisss hee okkayy?

To be continued.......

Hey guys please vote and comment was this chapter I know it kinda got sad at the end but that's how I felt it should end. 

Love Odessa_Cowgirl

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