Finding Cali

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Rohde- Did you find him yet?

Lane- No. He usually would go back to the barn if something happened. So we should go check there.

Rohde- Okay.

Me and Rohde we holding hands and it felt right almost like we were meant for each other. I started thinking about my dad and all the fun times we have had together like when I got to go behind the PBR bucking chutes, and he would put me on a bull like Smooth Operator . One year for my birthday we had high school finals and I had only two barrel horse's one male and one female I was breeding the female and my male was out cause of an injure so he talked to Jess Lockwood about seeing if Hailey would let me use her horse because it was the High School finals and Jess called my dad tell'en him to bring me by there house tomorrow and Hailey will take me to my rodeo.

When I found out that I got to ride Sister I was so happy I could not even sleep.  The next day at the rodeo I got on sister and I went flying in there very fast that it felt like a rocket was underneath me. That day was the best day ever cause Hailey told me she is going to be breeding Sister and she wants me to have the colt. Even tho I told her that I could not take the colt cause my hands are pretty full with school and how I am also breeding my mare. But she told me a couple months later that I should take her offer so I did and me and the colt went to stay with Fallon Taylor for a year and it was fun cause we did youtube video's together and she helped me with my colt. 

After our 4 hour walk but mostly Rohdes walk cause I got a piggy back ride from him. We found Cali by my truck just standing there. I started taking care of the horse while Rohde was taking care of the cattle.

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