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Felix glanced towards the cafe door which opened. He quickly looked back down to the coffee he was making to ignore the male that walked in. He heard the male order but he heard the footsteps head over to him.


Felix looks up and gave him a small smile before going back to making a coffee. "Felix, right?" The male asks. Felix sighs and looks at him. "Yes. I'm doing my shift, can you please leave?" Felix asks with a smile. The male smirks at him. "Can I take you out after your shift?"

"Excuse me. He is working, do you mind if you do not bother him?" Baekhyun says as he looks at the male. The male raises his hands in surrender and walks off. "Thanks, hyung," Felix says with a smile. "No problem. Does he go to your school?"

Felix nodded his head. "He's one of the jocks that thinks he can get everyone," Felix explains with a sigh. Baekhyun pats his back. "That's what I thought about Chanyeol but look at me being engaged to him," Baekhyun says. "Was he nice though?" Felix asks. "Well...yes," Baekhyun says.

"He's an ass," Felix mumbles putting the lid on the cup. He slid it onto the pickup station and called the person's name. "Anygay. I have to leave early cause I have to study," Felix says as he unties the apron. Baekhyun nods his head. "Alright. See you tomorrow."

Felix nods his head and hangs the apron up before walking to the back room. He opened the small locker and took out his sweatshirt and phone. He slipped on his hoodie and slipped his phone into his back pocket. He closed the locker and pulled the hood over his head.

He walked out of the room and smiles at his fellow co-workers before exiting the cafe. He shivers at the coldness but pushed it aside. His phone vibrated in his back pocket and he took it out. It was a text from his mom asking if he could get the mail.

Felix sends her a text about how he will and he slipped his phone back into his back pocket. He sighs as he takes out the dog tags that were hidden under the sweatshirt. He smiles and continued walking towards his neighborhood.

He yelped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and exhales, placing a hand on his chest. The male chuckles and draped an arm over Felix's shoulder, Felix shrugging his shoulder to get the arm off. "What do you want? Don't you have a girl you can go talk to," Felix huffed as he crossed his arms, glaring the male down.

"Can I not talk to you?" The jock asks with a smile. "I'm not sucking your dick. I'm not interested in that type of shit or you, Yejin," Felix says, glaring at him harder. "Oh, come on, pretty boy. Nobody can resist me," Yejin says with a smile.

"I don't like you and my friends don't," Felix says, sticking his tongue out. "Give me a chance! I'll treat you right," Yejin says. "I'd rather date a trash bin. Now, if you would excuse me, I have food to eat and mail to pick up."

Felix turned on his heels and walked off.

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