Being eight months pregnant was something else. The aches, the gas, the constant kicking and the Braxton Hicks ... god those fake contraction things will be the death of him he swears! They hurt like a bitch and always seemed to get him of a night. Like right now , he was wide awake at one in the morning and honestly felt like he was going to cry.
Maybe he was being dramatic but this was honestly unlike anything he had ever felt before. He knew they where fake because the time between each was all over the place and never regular .. plus he still had that mucus plug thingy.
He didn't want to wake Harry so he decided to go sit down stairs on the coach , but so far he was struggling.All he wanted was to groan and have Harry massage his back. But he couldn't be selfish, after today he would be done with school and have the freedom to rest. Harry didn't have the luxury, he had so much school work to do and having a baby in the midst of his last music exam was really taking a toll on him. Zayn could see it from the constant look of tiredness the boy had etched across his features. At their last and final appointment with Rebecca Harry could barely keep his eyes open enough to watch the screen! He was so sad about the fact that he missed his sons last ultrasound that he cried for days!
"Zayn?" A voice croaked from the living room door way.
It was Anne, she was stood in her dressing grown, hair messy with sleep. But a look of real concern was growing on her face as she moved closer to the pregnant teen.
"Y-yeah sorry, did I wake you?" He whispered biting his lip.
"Oh no! I got up to go the toilet and saw your bedroom door was open. I checked and you weren't there." Anne explained.
She slowly took a seat next to him. Making the coach dint in slightly with the movement. Jilting Zayn in the process and causing the pain in his back to worsen. He couldn't help but allow the small whimper to leave his lips.
"Ow, ow, ow." He whispered shakily , trying to wriggle away from the pain.
"Zayn, honey what's wrong?" Anne asked frantically.
"I-its my back, the stupid Braxton Hicks came back at midnight.. triggered it off again.." He breathed, pressing his hand to the pain.
"Oh sweets you should of woken Harry up! Have you had some water? That usually helps." She cooed, helping to rub at the pain in his lower back.
"Y-yeah, they're easing off now. I'm fine it's not labour... just hurts a lot." He explained , wiping at his damp eyes.
"Trust me I know, the after aches are the worst part..." Anne muttered.
Her fingers where like magic, she was reaching places Zayn just couldn't and he was beyond relieved as the pain began to ease off. Maybe he would actually get some sleep tonight.
"I-I haven't slept for days...""Oh Zayn, it'll be over soon... you're thirty five weeks ... two more weeks and we can look into inducing labour! Get that beautiful little boy out." Anne soothed.
"I-I don't want to rush him... I'll be fine." Zayn stated rubbing his bump.
"Zayn, you're not rushing him if it's what is best for you... trust me if he doesn't want to come , he won't." She assured him laughing softly.
"I can't wait to hold him, do you think he'll look like Haz?" He wondered.
"Honestly... i don't know. But when I think of him I see a beautiful tan skinned , dark haired, green eyed baby boy. A perfect mix." Anne said softly.
"I-I'd say given the amount of heart burn I've had ... him having hair is a definite." Zayn chuckled weakly.
"Hmm I hope so, are you scared?" She questioned, it was something that had been on her mind.
Idiotic Mistakes (Zarry Mpreg)
FanfictionUnderage Drinking always ends badly, Zayn knew that, so did Harry. So why am earth they allowed their Idiot group of friends to convince them otherwise they'll never know... Now they're totally screwed ... God they're such Idiots!