I Do Love You

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Liking someone was something. Loving someone was a whole other thing. Slowly, without realizing it, you'd cross that small bridge that separates the two then suddenly, you're in love.

Kei had gone past all the glamor and light feeling that came with liking someone. Now, he found himself completely enamored by the complexity [Name] held that built her the way she was.

Within the five months that they've been together, Kei found himself liking the girl stronger every day. Then, he started falling completely.

Before, he would've been scared of that. Liking someone was hard as it is. Loving someone was really something else. It was a path full of happiness mixed with some pain, a path that Kei wouldn't have risked to take before. But she gave him the courage to.

Life was unpredictable and she could slip away from him before he knew it, but for now, he didn't care what pain the future might hold. All he cared about was that she was beside him at the moment. 

The pain that Kei once feared became nothing compared to everything [Name] made him feel and realize.

She had helped him discover a new side to him without losing his existing self. Despite the vulnerability he was able to show her, he was still him. He was still the blunt smart guy that wouldn't take any shit from other people.

The blond knew he wasn't the best person. But, she made him want to be better. For her and for himself as well.


"Alright, we can go now," [Name] said after locking the gym. "Ready to go?"

"Wait," Kei said, grabbing her hand and intertwining it with his. "Now I'm ready."

The girl smiled at him and lightly swung their hands as they walked. As they walked, Kei couldn't stop himself from staring at her from time to time. Whenever she smiled or did anything adorable, the warmth in his heart would multiply.

'I love her.'

These words kept passing by his brain whenever he found himself looking at her and smiling to himself.

Kei had been going on for weeks on whether or not he actually went from simply liking her to loving her already. It didn't really take any more convincing for him to realize that he loved her already. After all, what wasn't there to love about her?

She was kind and caring to everyone she knew. She was also intelligent and very reliable. Despite her lack of confidence in some things, she was still able to deliver great results. That wasn't just it though. While she was nice, she also had sass to spare. She wasn't easy to push around despite the trait of hers to easily give up once she believes she actually can't do it.

She had a lot of contrasts to herself and yet she was still able to hold it together.

That was one of the few things Kei really admired about her.

"Beanstalk! I wanna go to the swing!" [Name] said, pointing at the park.

"It's getting dark," he said.

Losing, Loving, and Choosing You [Tsukishima Kei x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now