The Bet (part 1) [EDITED]

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"Do you and your brother remember me?"

Joan's words hung in the air for what seemed like a million years. There was, what it seemed, complete silence between the two of them.

Then Mugman finally replied, "I'm sorry miss... I don't really know who you are. Actually, this is my first time seeing you here at the casino. Maybe my brother would know? I'll ask him."

"Ask me what? What do I know?" A peppy but mischievous voice piped up from behind her.

Joan flinched as the oh so familiar voice seemed to strum her heartstrings. She didn't even hear him coming! 'Maybe it was because the casino games and people are so loud.' she debated with herself if that really was the case.

Or maybe it was the fact that she was really shocked and nervous that she finally met the brothers after all these years. Especially... him.

"Oh, there you are, Cuphead! We have a question for you." Mugman said eagerly.

"Lay it on me brother!" Cuphead exclaimed.

"This young lady here wants to know if we have ever met her before." Mugman replied with a smile towards the nervous woman.

Cuphead raised a brow and then a cocky smirk, "Muggy you and I are only eighteen. 'Young lady'? Really? You sound like an old man again."

Mugman made a scowling look, a head gesture, and a 'Ahem'/cough toward Joan, that said, "Shut up and just answer the damn question!"

Cuphead got the memo loud and clear. He cleared his voice in awkwardness.

" answer that question.... I'm not really sure. Hey miss? Can you please turn around so I can see your face? It's kinda hard to tell who you are just by looking at the back of your head."

Joan started to sweat profusely but not to the point where it showed. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and turned around to face him. She opened her eyes and saw an older looking Cuphead. Still short, but definitely older looking.

He, like his brother, had similar features. In both types of race, height, looks (kinda), and clothing.

The only difference between them was that Cuphead's head was a little wider and circular and that he had a little red nose. His uniform had a red color theme to it and had a red diamond patch at the corner top of his vest. Oh and did I mention their personalities as well?

Joan had her thick glasses on and of course had her hair in the way (sort of), so Cuphead couldn't tell that she was wide eyed and was about to blush and cry at the same time. She did everything in her power from losing her composure and making a scene (again).

She, unbeknownst to Cuphead and Mugman, was using both of her hands to squeeze the sides of the bar chair. Trying very hard not to jump out of the chair and giving Cuphead a big kiss and hug. Cuphead stared at her for the longest time, then finally replied,

"Nope! Never met her! I would definitely remember your face. I'm good with faces, so I definitely would know."

Joan figured as much. She WAS the one to seal away their memories of her, her sister and what they did together all those years ago.

A New Beginning- A Casino Cups Story {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now