Secret Family History Revealed and The First Day of Work

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A very long time ago, even before Joan and her sister were born, a quiet but not so secret war was raging on between two dimensions. These dimensions are called Heaven and Hell. Heaven, as everyone knows, is the home dimension of the Creator of all things, the angels (his loyal workers), and other beings that has either lived or has just been created and cannot die. And Hell, of course like everyone knows, is a unholy dimension that God, the Creator, created in order to hold the first fallen angel, Lucifer, also known as the Devil. Hell is not only the home of the Devil, but also his evil minions, souls of the damned, and other fallen angels. But what everyone didn't know were all the battles that were fought in this eternal war. One of these battles was about to change the tide of the war, and for the better.

During this one particular battle, a Dark Cupid, who he and his family are considered as nobles in Hell, fell from the sky and crashed to the Earth. He was greatly wounded from a stab wound to the side of his stomach from an Angel's sword. That said Angel came right after him to finish him off. And as the Angel was about to execute the finishing blow, the Dark Cupid pleaded to the Angel to please let him live. He told him that he was going to be a new father and he had to be there for his family. He also said that he, his family, and close friends that were practically family never really had total loyalty and respect for the Devil. He explained that they tried various ways of trying to escape his grasp but to no avail. He even tried to avoid going to battle altogether. But the Devil said that since he and his family and friends were on the verge of being eradicated by the Devil himself, due to their many attempts of escape. And if he didn't participate in this battle and war, it would only ensure their fate. He and his loved ones were always dreaming of either living separately from the Devil's rule or even better yet, finding salvation from God and living in peace.

So the Dark Cupid asked if the angel could spare him his life and let him return to his family, then he and his loved ones would swear total allegiance to God. The angel was dumbfounded. He never heard anything like this before from someone like him. The angel wasn't totally for sure if he was telling the truth or not. Dark beings from Hell are notorious liars and can't be trusted. But something in the angel told him that he COULD trust him. Then, the angel had an idea. He told the Dark Cupid that if he helped him in this endeavour, he would not only serve under the name of God but he also wanted him to promise that, when the time comes, one of his descendants would marry and have a family with one of his descendants. It would be proof that things CAN change for the better, and someday, change the way everyone saw things. The Dark Cupid was surprised at his demands, but agreed anyways. Soon enough the angel healed him and helped him evacuate his loved ones to a safe place where even the Devil couldn't get a hold of them.

The Dark Cupid asked the angel if it was okay to do this behind God's back. But the angel told him that He already knows and was quite fine with it. The angel also told him that God is all-knowing and works in mysterious ways. So if He says it's okay, then He has a plan for both the Dark Cupid and his loved ones. The angel held out a box with beautiful designs on it and told the Dark Cupid that if he felt completely sure about this, then he would open the box and part of God's power and blessings would transform him and his loved ones. Making them part of the Heavenly Kingdom forever. The Dark Cupid looked at the box, then his loved ones, back at the box, and then at the angel. All his loved ones smiled and said it was okay. The angel also said that it wouldn't cause him or his loved ones any harm and that from now on, God would always protect them. The Dark Cupid felt reassured and opened the box, and like as the angel said, they were completely transformed and were turned into servants of God.

And as time progressed, the descendants of both the Dark Cupid family and the Angel's family fulfilled the promise that was made oh-so long ago, and as a result came the most beautiful and lovely twins that would change the course of history forever. But even the most perfect looking people have their struggles. Like, for instance, starting a new but temporary job. But in Joan's case, it was a job at the Devil's Casino! The very being that her ancestors tried so hard to escape from! And now she's working for him! But fortunately for her, it was only temporary. As long as she earned enough money to pay back the debt and get her locket back, she would endure it.

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