The Bet (part 3)

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"What the Hell?! What the Hell is this situation?! I finally meet my Earth family, that was so good and pure hearted to take in me and my sister when we had nowhere to go, after all these years. And out of all the places that I could possibly run into them; it had to be in the last place that I would ever imagine.

"It just had to be in the place, that I would rather pluck my feathers off one by one, very slowly and painfully I might add, than take one step in. Ever. Except for work related business."

Joan screamed and ranted all of this inside her head while Cuphead and Mugman was trying to figure out what she was doing.

She was just sitting there, staring, and not saying anything.

" okay there miss? I need to, um, take your order now if that's ok with you?" As Cuphead said that, he took out his notepad and pencil ready to take her order. If she can somehow get out of this awkward position that she's put herself in.

"Think Joan! You need to say something! You can't just keep sitting here and continue to say nothing! It's already creeping them out! Especially to Cuphead. C'mon! Think! He's asking for your order! Pick up and look at the menu and order something! Or at least ask for the specials that he thinks is good! Speak up!" Joan nervously screamed this to herself and finally opened her mouth to speak and was at least able to get a few words in until~.....

"Actually I would like to ask for your opinio-,"

As she was about to finish her question, a sudden uproar of noise consisting of loud cheering and booing disrupted her from speaking any further.

Especially when she heard Adrian's name come up from the crowd of voices.

"Hey, isn't that your friend who I just took his order just a moment ago?"

Cuphead pointed towards the dealers table where a swarm of people were gathered. She suddenly got up from her seat and made a dash towards the crowd, fearing the worst.

The brothers were a little startled and tried to call her back but by the time that they tried to say something to her, she was already there and couldn't hear them calling for her.

She tried to ask politely for the people to step aside to let her through, but all that got her was a harsh shove from an impolite demon with a two piece suit, shiny shoes, and medium sized horns.

She stumbled over her feet because of the push and almost landed on the floor. But someone caught her.

She looked up and saw that it was humanoid person that was made entirely of poker chips. He was dressed from head to toe in cowboy themed clothes, including the boots! His voice and mannerisms were also like that of a cowboy as well.

For a moment she almost thought that he WAS an authentic cowboy from the wild wild west.

"Are you alright ma'am? You almost took a nasty fall there. Don't you know that you can't dive in head first into mob like that? Are you new to this casino? Or are you just crazy?"

Joan noticed that he was also carrying a pistol on his waist belt. She took that opportunity to grab it and fire a few rounds in the air.

'BAM!' 'BAM!' 'BAM!'

She fired in the air until the crowd dispersed. And when they, (the crowd of people) did, she handed back the pistol to its owner, who she didn't know at the time, was one of the employees of the casino, Chips Bettigan. And let's just say, he was both flabbergasted and impressed.

He also felt a little fear when she said, "Come with me for a little bit, hmm? I might need you. For 'special' reasons."

Chips took a hard 'GULP!' and did what she said. Even though she didn't have the pistol in her hands anymore, something inside his gut and inner conscience was warning him to do what she said or he'd be on the wrong side of his own pistol.

A New Beginning- A Casino Cups Story {Under Editing}Where stories live. Discover now