War Memories- Part 2

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  Take Care of Her For Me

Days passed,...or was it weeks? Time became a blur to Bella as she distracted herself from the storm brewing within. Her pent up trauma from the war was slowly leaking out,  dangerously increasing Bella's vulnerability by the day. Her and Claire had turned to each other for comfort, both suffering the same battle. They had made a promise to each other to stay strong, no matter what, and to not let it bother them. They  were to put their dark pasts behind them. Though with one glance in the other's eyes, they both knew that it may not be possible. So they then made a simple promise that they knew they could keep, just be there for each other for when the storm let loose. Though the very day it started to pour rain in Bella's mind, she wasn't prepared in the least. 

    Bella walked along the line of men, her basket in hand. They were learning how to properly hold their rifles and shoot them. Today, Jaime and Murtagh were in dual command, helping each other train the army.

"Hold it to your shoulder, good." Jaime praised. 
One of the rifles shot off.
"Do not shoot until my command!" he shouted. 
"Reload!" Murtagh's voice sounded.
"Fire!" Jaime commanded a few moments later.

Gun shot sounded. Bella's body jerked.


The sound hit Bella's ears for a second time. Her heart jolted and her eyes went wide. She kept on walking. Murtagh commanded them to reload again, then Jaime for them to fire for a third time. Bella's breath caught in her throat and she stumbled. The basket fell from her hands. She kept moving. Bella leant up against the first thing she could , that first thing being a pair of wagons off towards the side. She leaned over, holding onto the wagon's wheel for support. Her body shook violently as the air escaped her lungs. Memories flooded her mind as she collapsed to the ground. Hard. Bella clutched at her chest as her vision became hazy. The last thing she saw were two figures running towards her before her eyes slammed closed.

     Murtagh watched as Bella moved her way behind the men. His stomach dropped when Bella stumbled. 
"Jaime." he said quietly to get his attention. 

Jaime nodded at Murtagh as he looked in Bella's direction. 
"Aye, I've noticed somethin's wrong wi' the lass. Talk to her later, Murtagh. She and Claire have been off of late." He turned back o the men and gave the last order to fire. 

Murtagh kept his eyes on Bella. His eyes widened as he watched her drop to the ground. 
"Jaime!" The rifle Murtagh was holding dropped from his hands and he took off towards Bella's direction. Jaime quickly turned and told his men to take a break, then followed closely behind his godfather. 
Murtagh fell to the ground next to Bella. Taking her shaking body into his arms, he held her close and tight as he ran his hands through her red hair. 
"Shh,..it's okay. It's okay, Róisín. I'm here." Murtagh rocked her slightly, attempting to calm her down. 

Jaime watched how his godfather acted towards the lass with curiosity. It was strange, watching Murtagh show affection towards another. It was almost completely out of his character. Though the thought of Murtagh opening up to love again made a smile cross Jaime's face. He gave the pair one last worried glance. 
"Murtagh,...I'll go fetch Claire. She'll ken what te' do." he said, earning only a nod in response. With that, Jaime ran off.

"Christ,...Bella,..come back te' me. You're alright, Róisín. You're safe. I promise ye' tha'. Open those bright eyes o' yers'. " Dread coursed through his own body.
It killed him to see Bella this way. he truly cared for her. Though he was a little scared of how much he cared for her. 
"Róisín,..." he purred. 
His heart lifted when Bella's eyes slowly opened. 

       Bella studied her surroundings. Her tear soaked eyes met Murtagh's dark ones. She clung onto his arm, then realized that he was holding her within them. Feeling a sense of safety wash over her, her body began to relax. 
"M...Murtagh..." she whimpered. 
Bella allowed herself to be pulled into a hug. Just the feeling of being pressed against him soothed her. Resting her head against his shoulder, she let out a quiet sob. 
Murtagh held her tighter.
"Shhh,...I'm here. Everythin's alright, lass." he soothed lightly.  

      They sat there for a few minutes before Claire came running across the field with Jaime at her heels. 
"Murtagh, what happened?!" Is she okay? I came straight here." Claire said frantically. 
Jaime nodded.
"Aye, she did. Sassenach ran off before I could even explain." he told him.

Murtagh shook his head.
"I dinna ken what happened te' the lass. She jes collapsed te' the ground. We were teachin' the men how te' handle their rifles.-" Claire cut Murtagh off before he could finish. 

"Gun shots! That's why she had a traumatic episode. Quick, bring her inside. I'll giver her something to calm down." she gave no more explanation.

All Murtagh could do was listen. He adjusted her little amount of weight in his arms as Bella held onto his shoulders for support. Concern invaded Murtagh's mind as he thought more on the entire situation. Not only that, but because of how light the flame haired lass was in his arms. He had thought Claire was light when she had fainted into his arms on multiple occasions, but there was nothing to Bella. Did the girl even eat properly? Murtagh felt Bella's hold on him tighten as he walked through the door of the stone cabin. He gave her one last glance with a reassuring smile before he laid her down gently on the bed. She was reluctant to let him go. Murtagh turned to Claire. 
"Take care o' her for me, Claire." With those words, he left with Jaime after him.

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