Murtagh- Late night

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Plot: Season 2 in France,...Annabella Abernathy (MY OWN FICTIONAL CHARACTER;))is placed in the room right next to Jaime and Claire. She is  Claire's cousin, but she is actually Scottish and can understand most Gaelic. Being kept awake from Jamie and Claire's "night activities" she goes to a place for peace and quiet, and that just happens to be Murtagh's room.

Description: flaming red hair, short and generally tiny in size, bright hazel eyes, has a healing touch like Claire and they served in WW2 together, Usually very feisty but only shows her soft side to people she truly cares about.


Anyway,....on to it then!!!


      Bella scrubbed her face in frustration. Squinting her eyes, she strained to see the clock against the wall. She couldn't make out the exact time, but based on the position of the hands, it was well after three in the morning. Bella grumbled as the nonstop rocking of the bed continued in the room next to her. The headboard kept banging against the wall, keeping Bella awake throughout the night. She couldn't stand it no longer. Bella roughly climbed out of bed. Smoothing out her jade colored nightdress, she reached for her robe and wrapped it around her small body. Yanking the door open, she stormed down to the other end of the hall. She stopped in front of the farthest door and knocked. There was no answer. Becoming frustrated, she opened it quickly and walked in, letting the door slam behind her. Bella's eyes laid upon Murtagh, who was only dressed in his nightshirt.

"What the hell, lass!? D'ye Ken what hour of the night it is?" His voice was laced with evident annoyance.

Placing her hands on her hips, Bella huffed.
"Aye! I do ken what bloody hour it is. Tell that to Jaime and Claire though! Christ, I can't stand their constant fucking anymore!" She flopped on the small sofa.

"I heard you and Claire use that word before. I don't ken what it means though." Murtagh said. He then disappeared into his room for moment as Bella replied to him.

"What? Fucking? It means to have sex, or emphasize on an insult. An example would be calling someone a 'fucking bastard.' I'm surprised that you aren't doing the same thing with your little maid. Where is Susette tonight? With the messenger boy perhaps?" She joked lightly. Bella heard Murtagh chuckle slightly.

"And how d'ye ken that she's not here?" He asked as he re-emerged from the bedroom, now wearing a pair of loose trousers.

Bella raised her eyebrows, giving Murtagh a look that said, "Did you really just ask me that?"
"First of all, you wouldn't be standing in front of me right now. You would be in your bedroom moaning at the peak of ecstasy as Susette rode you like a horse. Secondly, if you did manage to get out of bed, you would probably be arse naked because you wouldn't care enough to put clothes on because you would kill the supposed intruder anyway. And let me tell you,...if that did happen,....I'm not entirely sure if I would be scarred for life or not. Though  on a serious note,....where is the lass?" She said as Murtagh sat down next to her.

He let out a hearty laugh at Bella's explanation and shook his head slightly.
"Aye, I suppose yer right. Where is she, you ask? I...I ended things with her. She,...she was only using me for her own pleasure. I ken that it will be s slight awkward when we run into each other in the halls. But,...she's gone,...if that's the right thing to say." Murtagh answered with a shrug.

Bella nodded slowly.
"I'm sorry to hear that, Murtagh."

Murtagh shrugged again.
"I'm not too fash'd wi' it. I'm not even sure if I felt anythin towards the lass, shameful as it is to say." He admitted.

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