3: Fast Times At Summit School

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North's P.O.V

For me, school is touchy subject, because it's terrible. I'm in the 6th grade, which is filled with drama, I've got three older brothers who are assholes, and to top it all off, I get special treatment from teachers because they know Griffin, Jasper and Camden. And NO it's not the special treatment that I can't almost bet that you're thinking about. "I get special treatment" is a nice way of saying that I get watched like a hawk, and every time something bad happens, I'm first one to blame. Yeah, Griff, Jasp and Cam have a little bit of a reputation to say the least. They rule the school.

Now I know what your thinking, how do my brothers and I go to the same school? Well funny story actually, the school is 6th-12th grade.....yeah what fun that is, especially for me. EVERYONE knows Griffin, Jasper and Camden, or at least it seems that way. Griff pretends that he doesn't know us at school, but I'm not complaining. He leaves me alone (most of the time), except for the occasional wedgie, and noogie. If I'm being honest though, that's not why my school experience is awful. The reason is because-
"Ow! Jasp! Cam! Stop!"
Jasper and Camden were on either side of me, holding onto either side of my underwear giving me the biggest wedgie known to man, lifting me off the ground in the process.
Jasper and Camden laughed. Jasper said, "How's it feel geek boy?? How're your peanuts?"
I groaned in pain, "Shut up! Ugh!!"
Camden said, "Hey Jasp, think we should stop?"
Jasp said, "Um...Nah! Let's carry him out to the dumpster."
My eyes widened, "What?!? Fuck no! I can't be seen like this in front of everybody!"
Right then, I felt my Underwear rip on Jasper's side...great. Ya know, my day was going fine. I went to first period, I went to second period, I even got to go to third period before my brothers noticed that they hadn't tortured me today. Now, it's lunch time, and instead of eating pizza because it's Friday, I'm out here in the hallway, in pain, begging my brothers to let me go, "Come on guys!"
Camden said, "Shut up midget!"
Camden and Jasper started walking down the hallway, which was filled with people because while some of us should've been at lunch, others were on a small 10 minute break. As they walked down the hall, me in between them, I felt my underwear on Camden's side begin to rip; At least this way it may not hurt as bad. People stared, some laughed, others took their phones out and took pictures. Instead of going to a dumpster, they went to the nearest trash can and threw me in it. Before I could try to get out, they slammed it shut. I tried opening it, but one of them must've been on the other side holding it closed. I leaned back in the darkness and sighed. Assholes.
As I continued to try and pry it open, the bell signaling the end of lunch rang, and everyone was heading back to class. I yelled, "CAMDEN! JASPER! Let me out! I'm gonna be late!!"
Jasper said, "Tough shit!"
I yelled back, "That's what it smells like in here! Open the lid!"
I'm not lying, it smelled terrible. All around me I saw banana peels, napkins, candy rappers, gum, soda cans, you name it, it surrounded me. I kept banging on the sides of the trash can hoping someone would hear and come to my rescue; make Camden and Jasper open it up. Yeah they don't care to be late to class, but I do. Camden hit the side of the trash can angrily, "Stop fucking banging around! If someone comes down the hall and hears that, they're gonna think we stuffed someone in there, and then your ass is grass!"
I said, "You did stuff someone in here, ME!"
Jasper said, "Grow a pair."
I punched the side of the trash can, "I'm serious let me out!"
There was silence, and just by that, I could tell that Jasper and Camden were smirking at each other. Camden said, "Are you claustrophobic?"
I started breathing really hard, and looking around the trash can for any way out, "Uh,
No? Wha-what do you mean?"
Camden and Jasper laughed. Camden said, "You're definitely staying in there now geek boy."
I sighed, "Ugh!"
I started freaking out, "Please just let me out! Please! You can do whatever else you want to me just please, please let me out!"
Then, thankfully, the lid opened, revealing light and fresh air. Finally, air that doesn't smell like farts and rotten bananas with a little bit of old candy mixed in. I stood up and sighed. I climbed out of the trash can, and Camden and Jasper stood back. Camden said, "You smell like feet and rotten bananas."
I said, "So, like your room?"
They both smacked me upside the head, then jammed me in a nearby locker. Lovely, another tight and confined space. Jasper yelled, "Stay in there until schools out or your dead when we get home!"
I yelled, "Jerks!"
They yelled back, "Bitch!"
(Had to put a Supernatural reference in there. I love Supernatural!). I groaned, then started breathing fast, feeling scared. I looked around, and kept trying to get out, but it was no use. Dicks.

1 hour later...
Finally, the bell rang, dismissing class, and whoever owned this locker opened it up, and needless to say, when they saw me they were more than a little bit confused. I sighed a breath of relief, "Thank you so much." I got out of the locker, and ran all the way down the hall to mine, grabbed my stuff and ran to my 5th period class. When I got in there, I chose the seat in the back corner of the room....for various reasons. Number 1. I smell like sewage, number 2. I look gross, and Number 3. I smell AND look gross.

At the end of the day...
After my last class of the day, I started walking to the bus, when I got pushed down on the concrete. I turned onto my back and saw the culprits..my brothers. Camden had his arms crossed, "Thought we told you stay there all day?!"
I said, "The person who owns that locker needed to get her books, and I was kind of in the way."
Jasper and Camden shook their heads and continued walking to the bus stop. I got up, and looked down at my stinging, scraped up hands, and red patch on my knee cap, and sighed. I then followed them to the bus stop and took a seat up front, where I didn't have to be around them. Yeah, school for me is just great. Psych.

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