Chapter 2

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|(Y/N)'s POV|

"We're here!" Timmy announced as the last of us got off the plane.

The entire ride, Ai wouldn't stop grabbing brochures and reading them aloud to me and taking all the snacks... Oh jeez I hope we weren't too much of a ruckus...

"Now, I know you must be incredibly excited to explore your new island home, but I have one small request..." Timmy began, "Would you all please join us for a short orientation session in the nearby plaza? Our fearless leader himself will be giving us a presentation, so I'd hate for you all to miss it. "

Everyone soon began to follow the two tanukis through the unknown, leaving our bags behind to be handled by the air-crew.

Ai cheerfully skipped and grazed through the tall grass and weeds that were growing on this lonely island. Alfonso and Yu rolled their eyes at Ai. It was ironic, Alfo and Yu used to be the ones running all over town, digging up fossils, catching bugs, and just causing mischief everywhere and Ai was the 'mature' one. Hah, crazy how things change.

I was caught up in my thoughts once again that I didn't even notice that I was at the very end of the line. I soon began to jog back to the group.

We all gathered in an area covered with dirt that had a green tent set up in the top right corner. On the tent was a leaf symbol. Onto the left were boxes stacked in front of a message board. In the middle was a large log, which was most likely going to be used for sitting or a fire, and some wood chunks set aside to a stereo.

I changed by jog to a slow trot as I joined the little circle that was surrounding Timmy, Tommy and another Tanuki. He looked like their dad?

"Alright is that everyone?" Timmy called out as soon as I made my way through the circle so that now I was standing next to Ai.

"Let's see..." Timmy pulled out a clipboard from behind him and pulled out a pen, "Is Marshal here?"

The small white squirrel from earlier raised his hand. Timmy scribbled something on his clipboard.

"Is Celia here?"

The eagle with green highlights who was reading a book gently waved.


The gator waved while smiling.



"Over here!" The voice came from a yellow tiger who was stretching a bit in the corner. "Just stretchin!"

"Ah ok. Now.. Is Ai here?"

Ai shot her hand into the air. "Here!" She replied.


The asian dude with the cap who had their hands in their pocket raised their hand.

"Right here."


The tall, green-eyed dude standing next to me who was running their hand through their hair nodded and replied.


He looked tired, but still cute.


I quickly turned my head from Roman towards Timmy.

"Oh, uh, Here.." I waved.

"And... Yu!"

"Heya" He waved as well but more enthusiastically than I did.

"Great!" Timmy smiled and set down the clipboard, "We're all here!"

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