Chapter 15

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| Roman's POV |

My footsteps pounded on the wooden deck and creaked with each booming step I took. The salty ocean had clearly made its way into the wood. The vibrant blue sky radiated alongside the sun's powerful beams would give one the idea that it is a great day -filled with much opportunity and optimism- but not for the people of Flora-fauna, not after this.

I was running so fast to the point where my shoes cut into the blades of grass I had run into and the world around me had faded into a blur. It was a race against time and only god knows how much we have left. The soft padding of the grassy terrain soon shifted to a hard and firm one once I had entered the plaza. A couple animals looked at me with a puzzled look as I burst into the Resident Services Building, kicking the doors in.

As I barged into the building, Isabelle nearly knocked a flower vase onto the ground and Tom Nook nearly fell out of his chair. (He's a hefty raccoon- er I meant Tanooki after all)

"Roman!" Tom Nook called out, still clinging on his chair, "Er- What in the world?"

I dashed across the tiles and leapt over the counter separating us so that I was now face-to-face with Tom.

"(Y/N)!" I panted, "She's GONE."

"W-What?" Tom Nook gave me a confused look, "What do you mean, 'gone'?".


The color drained from Tom Nook's face as he soon realized that I was not joking. Why would he think I was joking?

"I-I.." He stuttered, "What happened on the trip? Why did you not land on the correct island?"

"We got caught in some fog and I guess it messed up Wilbur's flight pattern." I explained, "Oh- and apparently we landed on an island that was in a dead zone?-"

"-Isle Of Mercy.." he muttered in shock. Tom Nook looked down onto the ground and looked side to side at the tiles as if he was trying to piece together something while Isabelle came over to us with an equal look of surprise and shock. Tom Nook finally looked up with a now more confident and professional face as from before.

"Miss Isabelle, I need you to contact law enforcement and report (Y/N). They will most likely not send out a search team until at least 24 hours have passed unless they consider it a dire situation, so unless deemed so, please gather all the files and information on (Y/N) gathered from her signed files from AldricCorp."

Tom Nook then swiftly turned to a file cabinet located to the side of his desk, quickly ran his finger-... paws through the files and snatched a file with (Y/N)'s name on it. He then handed it to Isabelle. He got up on his desk and grabbed a document and scribbled a couple things onto it before also handing it to Isabelle.

"Mr Aldric would not allow information like this to be easily taken out so show him this document with my initials on it. He will then allow you to access her files. If he still refuses to do so, call me and I'll give you further instruction."

Isabelle shakily took the document and gulped. Gosh, if I was in her position I would not know what to do... Tom Nook seemed to read Isabelle's mind by her anxious look and spoke up.

"I know this is a lot to handle Miss Isabelle, especially the pressure of handling something so dire and important, but Miss Isabelle, we have your full support and help. We are all in this together." He put a paw on Isabelle's shoulder, reassuring her of her worries.

She smiled and looked up to Tom Nook with a look filled with determination,

"I'll do my best sir!" She smiled and dashed over to the phone.

[Animal Crossing | New Beginnings] Tom Nook X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now