Chapter 10

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~ Author's Note ~

Sorry for taking so long to post this chapter everyone, I got busy with classwork this week and Im just so glad that I could finally write again! I hope you all are doing well and continue to stay safe. Anyways, onto the story!

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| (Y/N)'s POV |

I bent over and reached for the sticks underneath the heavy leaves of the spruce tree. I counted each of them as they fell into my inventory.

'..26..27..28... 29... 30!'

3 stacks of 30 branches... What was Zhen even crafting with this amount? I straightened myself and began to head back to the large tarp hiding the construction of the new building. I had to hurry, Mr Nook said that he wanted it done by tomorrow.

I began to pick up the pace as I ran out of the forest and into the more paved and open landscape of the island that had been tampered by the working hands of us islanders. I'm glad to see that there was still a good amount of mother nature's beauty still shining through the buildings and homes. I didn't really want the island to be another reminder of the city in any shape or form.

My pace was getting faster and my legs were now like gears in a machine. Working at a straight steady pace without stop. But stopping was all I had to do when a crowd of animals suddenly appeared in my path. My feet, which were all over the place, joined together and beaten into the ground, causing me to skid on the fresh grass and peeling it of its roots, leaving behind a brown murky texture, revealing the earth below. The rubber soles of my shoes took a beating to this, these were a good pair as well.

"Hi (Y/N)!" A parakeet with baby blue cheeks stepped into my path and waved at me as I slowly skidded towards them and regained balance.

"Woah!" I gasped, "-Be careful next time! I could have toppled over you!"

"Oh! I'm so sorry, cheepers!" She gave me an apologetic bow, "But I'm glad I ran into you! Tee hee!"

"Whats up?" I tilted my head, curious of what she wanted from me.

"Well..." She shyly put her wings behind her back and squabbled a bit. "-Ugh! Raymond, get over here!"

A gray cat wearing a pair of Ray-ban glasses who seemed distracted on his phone looked up and realized how far behind he was from the other two and quickly ran up.

"-Sorry, I had a message from my boss." He sputtered.

"Haha! Don't worry! I know how that feels" I suddenly chuckled out loud. The sudden urge to relate to city life was eating me up. Shhh, be quiet inner-voice!

The cat-... Or RAYMOND, gave me a surprised look, "You do-! Er, I mean of course you do.. -Wait unless-"

The yellow parakeet cut him off, "(Y/N), we just all wanted to thank you for inviting us to Florafauna!"

I mentally punched myself from hearing this. I nearly forgot that I invited them! Or at least Raymond... I guess he was invited by one of his friends because I recall only inviting two animals. It was... Oh what were their names? ...Oh! Twiggy and Snake! Gee, I felt guilty forgetting my clients own names... Back in the city, normally I would remember.... AH! I'm doing it again!

"It's no problem Twiggy" I smiled and at the same time crossing my fingers, hoping that I got her name right. "I hope you three are all enjoying it here."

"Oh we are!" She chirped. Oh thank goodness, I got the name right...

She began to go on about how she loved the island and et cetera. Her voice faded into obscurity as I turned to the pink rabbit wearing... a ninja suit? That had to be Snake.... Hm, I feel like he'd get along with Alfonso really well.

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