What is Real?

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You slowly open your eyes and notice the bright sun shining down on you.

"Ugh, where am I?" You look down and notice you were laying on grass?

"Oh thank Irk you're ok!" Larb held your body close. "You aren't hurt are you?" He holds a worried look.

Hold up.

LARB? What, Why, Who?!

"Larb? What are you doing here? Where is Zim?"

"Z-Zim? What's a Zim?" Larb tilted his head confused.

"You know...Green guy. The cute Irken that I call my life Mate?" You started to feel a major headache coming on.

"Y/N...I do not know of anyone like that with the name Zim? If he was Irken I would have surely been aware of him. And life mate? I am your life mate..." He trails off and blushes at admitting it out loud for the entire world to hear. "You did hit your head pretty hard when you fell, maybe you are just confused? Should I find an Earth-Doctor to look after you?" Larb looks to be sweating slightly.

"No, it's ok..." You trailed off. What was going on? Larb wasn't my mate? The last memory I have is falling asleep in Zim's arms after we....

"I think i just have a headache I think I am going to go home to rest."

"Yes of course! Let me accompany you-" He gets cut off by you yelling.

"No! Erm. I mean that's ok sweetie, I can manage on my own. Message me later?" You slowly get up and start backing away slowly. You noticed he had a similar disguise as Zim had. What was happening?

"Um.. Sure thing My Y/N." Larb blushes as he goes and leans in for a kiss on the cheek.

Out of nowhere my PAK acts up and slaps Larb away.

"Ow!" He rubs his cheek as he looks irritated.

"I am so sorry! I am not sure why it did that! It might be because of my headache. You know I don't have a good handle on it..." You awkwardly smile at him as you eventually back away. I didn't tell my PAK to do that..

"It's ok. I'll see you later? Please let me know you made it home safe!" He blows a kiss in your direction.

You nod and fake smile as you turn the corner. As soon as you lose sight of Larb you make a break for it and bolt to your house.

Almost breaking down your door you inhale deeply before yelling.

"CHI! HELP! I AM SOOO CONFUSED. ZIM AND I DID AND MADE AND HE UGH! AND LARB!" You just start spewing out mumbo jumbo for about 30 seconds until you notice something. Silence.

"Um...Chi?" You start looking around your house for your favourite cat. You even checked in his 'hiding spot' which was just a small crawl space filled with snack, wigs and pictures of pugs. Pugs. Everywhere.

"Computer. Where is Chi?" You felt a wave of anxiety fall over you.

Beep. "Unknown command. Chi not in database."

"What do you mean? Where is my SIR Unit?" Calm Y/N...

"No SIR Unit's have been registered in this household." The computer beeps again.

What is going on? No Zim. No Chi? Did I really just dream it all up? No. I am still half Irken. DAD! He surly knows of Zim and Chi!

"Computer. Call the Tallest." You start bouncing in your place from all the pent up emotions brewing inside of you.

Falling in Love with a Irken (Invader Zim X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now