Wedding Bells

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"...That's why you should marry him. So what I am trying to ask is to please trust me my Queen." Stal pleas to Y/N. "He makes you happy, and he is very successful. He can provide for you in many ways."

"Sigh, Stal you know I think highly of your opinion and if you really think marrying Larb is the right thing to do. Then it just reassures what others have been telling me. Thanks for always thinking of me." You hug Stal for convincing you Larb is the right person to marry. Stal's breath hitches for a minute but he accepts your embrace.

"Of Course, As I always say, your happiness is my top priority. Anyways, I am here to escort you to the alter!" Stal smiles as he goes to grab your hand. You offer a closed eyed smile and place your hand on his.

"Well now or never..." You had butterflies in your stomach. Not the good kind though, it still didn't feel right. However if your Father and Stal both think Larb is the one for me then these feelings might all be just in my head.

You follow Stal slow and majestic. As you approach the very large room where the wedding ceremony was taking place you could hear music. It was very traditional Wedding music.

As you approach the large room you were told to wait outside until signalled to enter. You were nervous but Stal tightened his grip.

"You look beautiful Y/N." Stal whispers out.

You looked over to him shocked. Stal held a very red/pink face and couldn't look at you.

"S-Stal, you have never said my name out loud before..." You trail off. He has always addressed you with more honorific titles. You kind of liked hearing your name in such a way.

About a minute goes by and your father appears behind you.

"Ready?" He has a tear in his eye. You looked absolutely stunning and Red was so proud that he is able to be there for such an important day.

Stal lets go of your hand and takes a step back. You smile at your Father and grab your arm around his. Slowly walking into the large room with Tallest Red you were shocked. The room held 1000's of Irkens standing proud as they watch you approach the long Isle. The room had white flowers hanging everywhere. They didn't look they came from earth but were still breath taking.

"Excited?" Red whispers to you as you still slowly walk together.

"Definitely Nervous. That's for su-" Your breath was taken away when you laid eyes on the Irken in front of you. Invader Larb. Wearing a black tunic with many patches on it. His attire and stature oozed Irken Elite. He moved his gaze to fall onto you and his mighty leader.

A small smile tugs at your lips before the pain in your stomach returned. Something still isn't right. What am I doing? I can't turn back now! Just think Y/N...To what Stal said.

"...My Greatness, you have known him for a while now and when you were aboard the massive he was the only person on your mind. Trust me, these nerves will go away in due time..."

Right. I need to trust in my memories and my loved ones. I am not making a mistake.

You stop for a moment with your father and motion him to let go as you two have reached the end of the isle. He nods and goes to his designated spot. Turning back around, you see your husband-to-be Larb move slightly to grab your hand.

Accepting the gesture, Larb brings you to your spot. You couldn't help but look around and tense up at the so called 'priest'. You have never been so close to a control brain in your entire life. You have heard of many things about the control brains but the main thing was that they are the real leaders. Even your father and Tallest Purple must accept and implement their orders.

Falling in Love with a Irken (Invader Zim X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now