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She started getting impatient as again she was left talking to herself, she was doing everything that she could think of to get the creatures attention but again nothing. "What do I have to do for you to appear? Am I missing something?" Again, she asked impatiently but now there were footsteps, they got so close behind her she could feel the light shakes of the ground. Suddenly her legs went weak and she fell to her knees, with a sudden thud she was on the ground. "Can you reveal yourself to me?" She waited for some kind of sound or maybe a hand on her back again but this time the lights began to flicker "I do not fear you so if that is what you're trying to accomplish it won't work." Although her words were confident, her heart betrayed her by beating so hard her ribs shuttered. She tried to get up but the weight had returned and she became stiff, the lights flickered furiously. Slowly she became distorted by the flashing lights so she closed her eyes, after a few seconds she began to hear shuffling. Her eyes opened once again to the horror before her. There it was, the demon crawling along her walls in the flickering light it laughed at her and began its way towards her. A scream came from her as it began dancing among her nightmares and crawling on the ceiling.

The loud shuffling and laughing stopped right away but she kept her eyes sealed shut. Her breathing was ragged and all she could think to do was pray. "Lord I beg you to visit this house and banish from it all the deadly power of the enemy. May your holy angels roam here to keep me in peace and-" A hand suddenly grabbed her chin and pulled her face upward, she felt breath fan her face but she didn't have the courage to open her eyes. "Your prayers won't save your sweet soul, your god cannot hear your plea's from here." It was the husky voice of a man, he sounded amused at her fear and she knew that this was no angel. "Open your eyes little dove." His grip on her chin became tighter and it began to hurt, she didn't want to open her eyes to see the demon because she knew she'd be looking into the face of death. "You were the one calling to me, begging me to reveal to you my form now look at you. You're nothing but a dog with its tail between its legs! I will not ask you twice little dove." His hand moved down to her throat where he squeezed, slowly she opened her eyes and the creature was inches from her face. The only difference was this wasn't the demon crawling along her walls, it was a man about her age, a human. He had piercing hazel eyes and a sharp jaw, his hair was a bit longer so it laid on his forehead and it was a dark brown. He let go of her face and stepped away, he towered high over her revealing his whole body, he had on casual attire but he looked like a god. He was muscular and his face held no emotion, she starred in awe at the creature before her.

"What are you planning on doing with me?" She asked with a trembly voice, he smirked and began to walk behind her. "Nothing too bad as long as you cooperate, we might even have some fun." He moved the hair from her eye and cooed to her, he then let his lips lightly trail down her neck. She shivered but then turned her head so he couldn't toy with her anymore. "See giving me attitude like that is how you will get in trouble." He balled her hair in his fist and yanked her head back so she was now starring up at him. She starred up into the eyes of the demon again but now instead of fear her blood began to boil. She wouldn't let this beast take advantage of her as if she was a child. "Who says I will help you anyway, you're going to kill me if I cooperate or not so why tamper with my halo." He froze almost in shock that she would dare speak to him that way. He moved so he was around her and grabbed her face so she would be forced to stare into his entrancing eyes. "Trust me little dove, I'll pluck every feather from those cured wings of yours" He growled at her and she could see black start to seep through his eyes like ink in water. She felt her face start to heat up at how close they were, he quickly noticed and smirked down at her. He lowered is face so that their lips were almost touching, she closed her eyes waiting for his touch but instead of his lips connecting to hers he started planting kissing along her jaw and down to her neck. He was rough but passionate with how he caressed her body, one hand found its way to her back and the other on her thigh. He sucked on a certain soft spot at her neck and she let out a sound alerting him to focus on that area.

He smirked against her skin and he lifted the weight from off her so she could let her arms roam and touch, or she could fight the lust and push him away. He, of course wanted nothing more than to take her right here on this floor, it'd been years since his last companion and his body was eating at him for the sexual release. It took her a second to realize that she could move again when her arm was subconsciously reaching out for his chest. She pulled back and starred into his eyes, he looked displeased at her action but she then pushed him back so he was sitting on his bottom instead of his knees. He starred up at her at first angry but she began crawling towards him, she crawled through his legs and he propped himself up on his elbows to look at her. "Little dove you won't have to worry about my actions tampering with your halo, it seems like you're doing that all by yourself ." He smiled devilishly but she still pushed him so he laid flat. Slowly she kissed up his chest to his neck and she was now straddling the devil.

She began lowering herself to connect their burning lips again but everything went black.

~~Hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to like and comment! Much love!

Deadly Sin // Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now