7 | When Fireballs and Snowballs Meet

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7 | When Fireballs and Snowballs Meet

Emerald's POV

The next weeks had been hectic as hell! From going to press releases for the updates about the crown to reporting to the queen about the progress, it has taken a toll for me and my team. I think Charm has broken an ankle running around the shop giving me everything I need.

"Charm?" I called her name in the intercom just as I finished checking the huge gems needed for the crown.

"Yes miss?"

"You can take a break if you want, dear. Go tell the others to take a break too. Meet me here at 3 P.M." Two hours will be enough for them to recharge.

"Yes, miss. Thank you."

"No problem." I replied before I slumped back on my chair in exhaustion. Who knew taking this job would give me wrinkles and eye bags?! Taking off my gloves I wore for gem inspection, I heard someone knocking my wooden doors.

"Come in." I sighed and straightened my clothes and posture. The gorgeous man came in walking with powerful strides and a blank face. He could be a perfect model if he lost some weight...

"Oh. It's just you." I sighed and slumped back to my chair and threw my gloves on my table lazily. I saw him raise a brow before smirking.

"You need to rest." He cleared his throat and went to sit on the couch in the middle of my office.

"I need to get this done by tonight."

"Then, sleep just for 30 minutes. I'll wake you up." I dismissed the tempting idea and shook my head.

"No. I really need to get this done, Axel. Max will be here tomorrow for a royal visit and I don't want someone especially him to think I'm lazy on my job." I explained while rubbing my forehead clearly stressed out.

"Oh please. If anything, you're overworking." I rolled my eyes at him and closed my eyes, not wanting to see his bullshit stupid care about me.

"Says the man who watches over me 24/7."

"It's my job."

"And this is my job." I snapped at him, shooting him a glare before closing my eyes again.

"Emerald, you know I am trained for it and you know I have men on duty when I'm not working. You, on the other hand, have been working nonstop since the day Prince Max threw a party for you, guys."

"I just want to finish this." I groaned and span my chair so I won't be facing him, instead, I was facing my window that provided a clear view of the beautiful street in front of me.

"What's the rush?" I heard him ask and I swear to God, his questions were attacking me like bullets one by one! Either he knew the truth or he was testing me. Either way, he's making me go over the edge.

"My company's performance is in the line here. My name is being written in every magazine, newspaper and tabloid. The media is focused on me, the crown and the Queen. What the fuck do you think I'm going to do about those? Sit and relax?" Plus I wanted to impress Prince Max. He's been a good guy and had paid me generously for hsi secret crowns. He would even visit me every now and then and no guy has ever done that to me... What the fuck was I just thinking? Was I thinking lovey- dovey things about Max?! I groaned again.

"You're pressured, I get it, but you really need to take a day off."

"I took a day off."

"Three weeks ago." He added. My God! I will never escape this man, wouldn't I?

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