9 | Who are you?

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9 | Who are you?

Emerald's POV

Stretching my fingers as I felt them stiffen from all the work I did on the crowns, I thought torture was coming next. I knew I shouldn't complain because he was really only thinking about my welfare but fuck! Workout was the definition of death for me. A knock on the door interrupted me from my internal whining and straightened myself out.

"Come in!" I spoke in a loud voice. The person came in and my smile dropped the second I saw who it was.

"Oh. It's just you." I huffed out and leaned back on my seat.

"Who are you expecting? The Prince?" He raised a brow and I rolled my eyes.

"No." I scoffed. To be honest, I was expecting the prince to come and visit. He hasn't visited for days.

"Sure sure." I heard the sarcasm in his voice and I shot him a look to shut it.

"Are we really going to do this today?" I groaned checking the time. It was time to go home now and for the first time ever, I didn't want to go home from this stressful work. I'd rather stay here and work than go to a gym with him.

"Look. I am not forcing you to go-"

"But..." I added knowing he'll give his reasons for this torture. He chuckled before continuing.

"But you really need it. It's good for you, Emerald. It will help you get in shape and you won't need to stay away from food. I noticed your eating pattern, Em. It's not healthy." He crossed his arms across his chest making his muscles bunch and flex. Nope. Don't get distracted, Emerald. Focus on the incoming torture this sadistic man will make you do.

"I'll start slow. I promise. I know you need to not get sick from the pain so I'll take it slow for you." I groaned. He's really got a point. I was just too lazy to go.

"Please trust me on this, Em. You won't regret it. I promise you that." I slumped on my chair and threw my hands in the air.

"Fine! Let's go." I surrendered before standing up with a stomp.

"You really act like a child sometimes." He laughed as I stormed out of the room angrily carrying my purse and coat.

"Where's your gym bag?" He called out.

"It's already in my car!"

"Wait up!" He laughed evilly as he followed me to the door.

"Charm, make sure to send me the schedule for tomorrow, okay. I'll get going now. Bye!" I managed to speak before going out of the shop. I could hear her faint reply as I dashed to the parking lot with pure anger and determination.

"Might as well get this over with." I spoke as I heard my car beep.

"Now that's the spirit!" The man behind me cheered as he walked past me and opened the door in the passenger's seat.

"Says the man who's going to torture me." I muttered and he chuckled.

"You are a sadist, you know that? You like putting me through hell, don't you?" I glared and he chuckled again making me more annoyed.

"Let's just say this is to make a better version of you."

"But I like who I am now." Like duh?

"A healthier version of you." He corrected himself and I couldn't help but huff out my frustration at him. He always finds ways to get to his point.

"Whatever. Let's go." I went in the car and he closed the door for me. He jogged around the car to get to the driver's side with a bright look on his face today. It looked like he's in a good mood. Yep! That confirms it! He's a sadist.

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