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Nancy invited you and Barbra to Steve's party. You were very self-conscious about going because, Tommy H. and Carol would like to mess around with you. Calling you "Pig", "Whale", and "China". Nancy told you, "(y/n) It'll be fun!!! Don't worry Barbra and I will be there." Sometimes you would think it was for you to go. You were just there for both of your friends.

You were at a small gathering drinking beer at Steve's Pool Messing around, Barb knew it was unlike for Nancy to do. Though you love to drink. Good think you have your necklace it prevents you from having a tail. You even lost your friend from a sea creature. You should have saved her, It was too late. You couldn't be upset with Nancy it wasn't her fault either was yours yet, you and Nancy blame yourselves for it at times, Nancy would call you. Even though it happened about three years ago.

You shake those thoughts always, Barb wouldn't be too happy if you keep crying about her. You would cope by swimming around the beach. It always made you free, no one is calling you names. Everyone is so friendly at Princess Freya's Kingdom. Freya will always be your friend. You would tell her all about the humans, she would be fascinated by your friends. One of them were a lab subject name El and told her she has telekinesis like Mermaid. It'll even make her nose bleed and wears her out if she keeps using it. Even told her about Barb Freya will always be there for you.

~ ~ ~

You and Freya saw a yacht you would tell her to lay low. You both lay low and hide so people wouldn't see you. Turns out you see Johnathan, Nancy, Steve, Dustin and his friends.  Afar from the ocean. You definitely don't want them to see you and Freya. Will was simply looking down. But whomever was driving the yacht made him fell into the ocean. He was struggling to swim the water was too deep and he couldn't swim. Freya said she'll save him and then bring him to the shore. Then his friends notice that he fell off yelling his name. "Will!!!!!" He was out of it. Freya swim down so that Will would go any deeper. Hopefully he wouldn't see you or Freya in a tail. "Steve!!! Will fell off the yacht!!! Please save him!!!" Dustin panicked. "What Dustin? I'm trying to fix something. Will you stop buggin' me?" Then one of the parts of the yacht hits his head. He started to bleed. You swim as fast down the ocean, caught him then carried Steve and meet Freya. "It was about time your here, I got all the water out and healed him. The kid is alright." Then she sees you with Steve bleeding so much from his head. "Whoa what happened to him. Isn't he your prince, I see why you would be font of him." Freya was so shocked at Steve's state.
"I'm glad that's he's alright. He hit his head trying to set something up. Please don't call him prince. Don't wake the kid up." Then Freya sees the yacht coming to the shore at the other side. You healed Steve's head. He was still knocked out.  He opened his eyes seeing your face. "(y/n)?"  Good thing there was a huge rock. You and Freya moved quickly and hid behind it so that the humans wouldn't see you.

Johnathan rushed down to Will. You peeked through the rocks. "Will come on buddy. Please wake up." Johnathan Shrugging him so that he'll walk up. Then he peeked. "Oh my god Will thank god your alive buddy, I thought I was gonna lose you again." You remember sometime was the sea creature was after him. That wasn't the only time you and Freya saved him. Will's friends and Nancy were surrounding him. While Dustin rushed to Steve. Kept shrugging and slapping his face so he'll wake up. "Steve!!!! Oh my god I thought you were dead!!!!"  He hugged him while Steve's still laying down. "Have you seen a girl? (y/n)" Dustin was confused. Thinking probably he's just hallucinating. "Steve no? She's not here. She wasn't even around the beach." Steve still couldn't take his mind off of you. He felt different he just had a feeling he knew that you saved him."

El heard that you were around the shore? She saw something purple near that rock. Then went closes then saws you and Freya. She helped you hid your tail. "El I know I didn't tell you." You whisper. She smiles she was forever thankful you helped her numerous of times. Since you babysat the Kids when they were younger. You helped her ever since she was living at Mike's Basement. It was her turn to  help you. "El" Mike called her and then rushes then went back. Heading back home.

"That was so close, we don't need them to be freaked out." Freya headed to kingdom. Then you wear your necklace, turned back to human. You head back home. You don't want to bother telling your mom what happened. You went to your room then laid down. You heard a ding, receiving a text from Steve.

Steve: Hey, (y/n) I was on my yacht. I brought Dustin and the rest even, Johnathan and Nancy.

(y/n): Really?! Sounds fun, how come I wasn't invited?"🙃🙂

Steve: I figured you were busy. Don't worry I'll invite you with us next time. Did you happened to be at the beach?

y/n: No, I wasn't. I was with my friend Angel. We were at Star Court Mall. Why would you think I was there?

Steve: Okay, It's just that I happened to see you. Since, I hurt myself earlier today.

y/n: I hope your okay. See you at English tomorrow Steve! Good night.

You never lied to your friends ever. This was just to protect the mermaids and you. You never would want to be in the lab since they found out that you also powers like El. When Steve texts or video chat with you it always makes your heart flatter. Steve have been your best friend and Dustin's ever since he stopped hanging with Tommy H. and Carol.

~ ~ ~

The next day, it was your senior year of high school. You would usually meet up with Robin after band or theater. Steve dated Tammy for a hot minute, Robin would be upset. Since she would always catch Tammy falling for Steve's big hair. She even knew your big crush on Steve. You don't have any chance since, he's your friend that's secretly a mermaid. Steve and the others. Think your a lab escapee like El. Hell you wouldn't want Robin with all of this shit.

"(y/n) didn't you hear me? What's up with dingus staring at you all day lately? Its's weirding me out." Robin talking about Steve. You were both a the library doing some homework during lunch. Yet your doing an assignment and zoning out. "Honestly, we have been hanging out lately and talking." She laughed. "So, your dream lover is "Talking" to you know what he wants right?" You threw your pen at her. "Shut up, besides he's a really close friend. There is nothing going on." You convince her and sounded like Nancy for a second. You knew he was staring because, you saved him and he saw you at the shore. Good thing he didn't see you with your god damn tail.

Sailor meets Mermaid - Steve Harrington x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now