Harry's (interesting) morning

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Harry was thrashing on his bed. He was having a feeling in his stomach. Though the sensation was light, it felt like a sick feeling. Eventually, when he was tired of rolling around and trying to ignoring  his feeling in his stomach, he opened his eyes. Only to see that he was late! Harry got up from his bed and looked at his calendar, which was Monday. Harry was a bit relieved to see that there wasn't a test that day that he had to study for, but that didn't change that fact that he was still late. In fact, this was his second time being late, with the first happening back in October.

It was 8:55 am and he was so dead for class. His schedule usually starts with his first period at 8:30 am. Witch meant that he was 25 minutes late. Adding up for him to get ready, to going to the public bus stop, and a walk to school, it would take him 30 minutes. Only if he could rush. He new he shouldn't have awake all night play games on his laptop, eat food, and just wonder around his house. He ran up to his dresser and put the first things he saw. Luckily for him, it seemed to match. He rushed to the loo (bathroom) to wash his face and brush his hair. He wanted to brush his teeth too but it would be too late and he would be more late. So he ran to the kitchen cabinet to grab a pack of tik taks. He'd hoped this'll help. He yelled to him mom that he would be a little late witch he was scared to do. But soon realized his mother wasn't there, and was most likely at work from the silence that answered back at him. Harry was relieved about this. Then his stomach started to growl. So he went to another cabinet to get a quick morning snack.

On his way out, he accidentally grabbed an extra granola bar instead of 1 for himself.  He just shoved the extra in a small opened pocket, hoping he'll find a use for it later since wasting things is a big pet peeve of his. He rushed out of the house to catch the 9:00 public bus. Harry ran as fast as he could to the public stop. Once he was there, he waited a bit. A few minutes go by and the bus comes to his stop.

He stepped in the bus and sat down still panting and sweating. He was thinking of excuses because (again) this was his second time being late. He thought he would face a huge punishment for being late one time... Of course deep down,  Harry new his teachers would understand. Then  Harry started to panic he saw a blonde boy about his age walk over. Although Harry wasn't sure if the boy was walking up to him, he was still anxious. But oddly enough, it wasn't as intense as it was before. Harry was twiddling his thumbs and trying to shake the bad thoughts out of his head. He looked around and the only other seats available were ones for pregnant women, handicaps, and for elders so Harry was expecting the boy to have to sit next to him because there was only one open seat next to him. And soon enough, the boy came over and sat next to him.

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