Ch. 20 Sexed Up

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Ray took Zach's wrist to stop his uninvited invasion of her most delicate parts. "Actually, I think we should—"

The door to the room swung open with a bang and she jumped sideways, knocking Zach over.

He screamed and she tried to catch him, managing the break the fall at the last moment. He braced himself, one hand and good knee on the floor, the other arm in Ray's grip, balanced at an angle.

"What the hoopla is going on in here, Zach?" a woman asked. She was furious, if her expression was any indication and the family resemblance to Zach was too striking not to notice.

An embarrassed flush crept up Ray's neck and face. Her shorts hung wide open and too low on her hips, and she knew she was ruffled and sexed up as hell.

"Hi, mom," Zach said, easing himself to the floor. From a sitting position, he held out his hands to Ray to help him to stand.

Right. I'll just help him up before I put my pants in order in front of his mom, no problem.

As soon as he was up, she stood half hidden behind him, lips pressed together in rage and tried to discretely arrange herself.

Zach's mother huffed in indignation. "I take the first flight available from California, only to find one of your hussies keeping you from resting and healing like the doctors have instructed. Unbelievable. Tell her to get out."

Ray wanted to die. Right then and there. No one had ever spoken about her like that, as if she was worthless and one of many. And to accuse her of wanting sex so bad she'd put someone else in danger? Tears sprang to her eyes. She crossed in front of Zach to grab her bag off the floor.

"No need to say anything, I'm going."

"No wait, Ray. Ray!" Zach hopped forward to catch her arm. "Mom, that is not at all what is going on here. She was helping me to the restroom, and she's my girlfriend. I can't believe you'd say something so mean. I love her."

"I have heard this song before, young man. When I got that call from the hospital, I thought you were going to die. How could you do this to me? And why are you out of bed?"

"Mom, I'm fine. Look at me—I'm good. You panicked for nothing."

"Nothing? I panicked for nothing? You are going with me back to California in order to heal at the house, where I can monitor your condition and make sure no other girlfriends make fall on the floor. And that's final."

"Mom," he whined, shaking his head. "I can't go home. It's the middle of the semester!"

Ray was reeling. All she wanted to do was escape. Fast. She had to figure out what he meant by saying he loved her, after the weird mix of doubt, fear, and desire she'd had when he was touching her. This family drama was not what she had signed up for. Zach could act like a little kid without her having to witness it.

"I'd better go," she said, but neither of them noticed her. Since Zach had dropped her arm, she tiptoed toward the door.

It swung open suddenly, hitting her in the head.

She stumbled, hand flying up towards the splitting pain in her temple. Instead of reaching her own head, though, she smacked Lokela's face as he rushed in from the hall. He jumped back and she hit the wall, dazed. A split second later, warm relief flooded her heart. Lokela was there. Everything would be all right.

Between being slapped and finding her flailing, he blinked in confusion. "Shit, did I hit your head with the door?"

Her heart swelled. Stuck to the wall in surprise, she lifted her chest unconsciously. She wondered, for a split second, if she still looked sexed up, and if he thought she was beautiful like that.

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