Ch. 28: If It Takes All Night

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Ray stepped into his room, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. For a moment, they stood in the middle of the floor not speaking.

"What do we do first?" Ray asked.

He cleared his throat. "Whatever feels right to you. This is your night. We start when you want, we stop when you choose."

"You don't mind?" Ray asked.

His breath exploded from his chest in a smothered laugh. The last thing he wanted to do was alert the other seven guys in the house that he had Ray in there with him wondering if he minded being used for sex.

He coughed, recovering. "No. I don't mind. I will enjoy this so long as you enjoy it."

"So I can take off your shirt and that doesn't bother you?"

"Why don't stop asking and give it a try?" he suggested.

She bit her lower lip, but reached over to his tee-shirt's hem and dragged it up his torso. At the level of his shoulders, she seemed confused and couldn't quite manage. He yanked it off.

"Can I take off your shirt?" he asked, his hands already itching to touch her bare skin.

"Why don't you give it a try?"

He tugged the bottom of her shirt from her shorts and lifted. She raised her arms in the air to let him pull it up and over her head and off. She shifted on her bare feet, watching his face intently for a reaction. Her breasts were cupped in a lacy bra with silken straps, their small mounds making his mouth water. She was gorgeous.

"Ray, you are so—"

She stopped him with a finger to his lips. "You don't have to use fancy words or try to flatter me. Actions will speak tonight. I've had enough of words convincing me to thing or feel something."

He swept her up in his arms, hand at the back of her head to kiss her. Their bare skin pressed together and the sweet sensation of her breasts against his chest gave him an instant erection. She kissed him back, tangling her hands in his ponytail.

"Take it off," she said, yanking on the rubber band.

He freed his hair, giving his head a little shake. That made her laugh. "You are beautiful, Lokela. Do you know that?"

He didn't, but it was nice of her to say so. "No words, remember? Unless you want me to stop. At any moment, if something isn't right, promise to tell me."

She smiled.

"No," he insisted. "Promise to tell me. I will stop at any time if you need me to."

"I promise to tell you."

"Good. Because you don't owe me anything, no matter how far or not we go together, this is for you."

"What do we do now? Specifically, what am I supposed to do?" She waved her hands at him.

"Try this." He took her hands and placed them on his chest, near his heart, ordering his knees not to buckle at her feather touch. Her palms grazed his skin—the weight could have been a brick wall the way it hit his lungs.

"Am I doing all right?" she asked.

"You're perfect."

What he didn't say was to ask her if she'd ever made out or kissed guys before. While he couldn't quite believe no dude have ever fallen hard for her in the past and made some serious moves, he didn't want to know. So she was twenty and gorgeous and completely unsure of herself in the bedroom. It didn't matter why or how, or if it was plain insecurity that made her hesitate.

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