Chapter Five

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A/N: Thanks for reading! Art by *name redacted* (as usual).

Gacho Otoko POV:

"The 'No Good Gang'"? Orokana asked skeptically.

"Yeah!" I responded enthusiastically, trying to hype up my friends.

"I kinda like it," Akira commented.

Okay, half of us were on board, I looked at Shizu in anticipation. She caught my eye, "Really? It sounds ridiculous-"

I cut her off, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "We are ridiculous though!"

"I suppose it's fitting," she whispered after a moment of consideration.

Yes, one more. "You can't be serious guys!" Orokana exclaimed. After a moment of silence where she realized she was overruled, a smile broke out across her face, "Alright, crazies!" She agreed, messing up my hair with her hand, I wouldn't be able to get her back though because of the infuriating height difference.

I missed moments like that, fond memories that might never be made again, with a friend I might never have again. I was so surprised that day when Akira dragged me over to sit with her at lunch, but as soon as I sat down I just felt like some invisible puzzle piece slid into place. Sitting with Akira, Shizu, and Orokana just felt right when nothing else in my life was. I grew up my whole life wanting to be a hero, and my family moved across the country just so I could go to this school, so when I didn't get into the hero course their sacrifice was for nothing. Now, my family will barely even talk to me and I miss them so much. We were so close and now I just feel an emptiness being without them.

I've learned to laugh and joke to hide the sadness I feel. The best thing to hide behind is a smile, right? My friends don't know about my parents, and they don't need to. They're my escape, my break from figuring out what I'm gonna do with my life now that I can't be a hero. Besides, being villainous is kind of fun.

Akira Pov:

Facing the truth is hard. I sometimes can't even admit it to myself. I can't admit that I'll most likely end up as some deadbeat with a bad job. Can't admit that something overcomes me that I can't control, and that when it does I have no idea what's happening to me. I can't admit that I'm not as perfect as I appear to be. I can't even admit that without my best friend, I feel lost, the kind of lost where you may never find your path again, but something is telling you it's still there, just out of reach.

Whatever it is that I said to Shizu, I regret it. I didn't even know what I was saying. Nothing will change the fact that she messed up, and I definitely will not stop blaming her, but I know she blames me and thinks that I did something wrong. I only wish that I knew what I said, because if I was aware of what I said, I'm sure she wouldn't have given me that face that will forever be engraved in my memory. That face of pure utter betrayal, complete with tears running down her face. I needed my friendship with Shizu; she was all that I had. Her tears seemed so unnatural, I feel like I broke her, I need to pick up the pieces, I need her back .

I was raised by my dad, and I don't even know who my mom is. My parents had only known each other briefly, so when my mother's boyfriend (my current father) found out she was pregnant, let's just say he was rather startled. The minute she could leave my mother did. Not wanting a kid to get in the way of her future she left me to my father.

My father wasn't ready to raise a child on his own. He was only seventeen when I was born, and he didn't know the first thing about being a dad. When he first received me, we barely had enough money to survive, he didn't even have a job. But he changed himself so he could be a better dad for me: he got a job, and worked hard until he had enough money to purchase a small two bedroom apartment. But he didn't stop, he kept working. We live in an actual house now, and he is the manager of his branch in the company, he was my hero when I didn't believe in the existence of such things outside of storybooks.

My father inspired me, working tirelessly just to give me a good life. Because of him, I became perfect. But always in the back of my mind, I knew my mother didn't want me. So I thrived to be a hero for two reasons. The most important reason was to show my dad that all the sacrifices that he had made were worth it, to show him that because of what he did I was able to become something. I just want to make him proud. The second reason that I strived to be a hero is a reason I would never tell another living soul, it is selfish, but I want my mom to see me for wherever she is, and I want her to regret giving me up.

That'll never happen now. I have no chance of becoming a hero. I am a student in class 1C, that is definitely not hero material. My only chance would be outperforming one of the students in class 1A or maybe even 1B, but I doubt that'll happen. I will never accomplish my dream, never make my dad proud, and that made me angry and bitter towards the heroes. I feel bad about the fact that I'll never become a hero, even after all the sacrifices my dad made, but I have good grades and I can still make something of myself even if I'm not a traditional hero. I know this in the back of my mind, and that is why I allow myself to become villainous, to break the rules. I make excuses, and all they do is allow me to make a mess out of my life. I know that I'm lying to myself when I pretend that all these tendencies will just go away once I graduate high school.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you had a good Easter! Please vote, comment, follow, and share! Extra special shout out to @3FangirlingIdiots for commenting!!!

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