Ch.1 New kid

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Hi :)

3rd POV

It was in the middle of Kindergarten and Izuku sits at a lonely table. Him and Katsuki got into a fight about who likes heroes better, so they haven't been getting along lately. "Alright class, we have a new student. Now, you all know how nervous you were on your guys first day, so please treat nicely." the teacher told the students, standing by a little girl.

The girl had short brown hair, shoulder length, round brown eyes, and a round face with pink cheeks. "This is Ochako Uraraka, and you can, how about next to Izuku." The teacher pointed to the empty seat next to Izuku for Ochako to sit.

Ochako walked to her seat and sat down. The two were silent for the whole time in class, only taking slight glances at each other.


Finally, it was recess time. "Go away, Izuku. I don't want to talk to you!" Katsuki yelled at Izuku. Izuku sadly walked away from Katsuki and the crew before seeing Ochako, sitting lonely on the swing. Izukus face brightens up after seeing Ochako and walks over to her.

"Hey, my names Izuku Midoriya! What's your name?" Izuku introduces himself, leaning on the pole next to Ochakos swing. "Wait, it's Ochako Uraraka, right? That's what the teacher said" Izuku says. Ochako nods her head. "Ok, do you want to play with me? We're both pretty lonely right now" Izuku asks.

Ochako got off the swing and walked over to Izuku. "Sure! What do you want to play?" Ochako asks. Izuku smiled. "How about tag?!" he excitedly asked. "Sure!" Ochako agreed. They spent all recess playing two people tag until recess was over and they had to walk back inside.

Ochako and Izuku sat at their lonely table. "Hey, Ochako? Do you like super heroes?" Izuku asked, getting out paper to draw on. "Yeah! I like the hero 13! She's my favourite!" Ochako said, getting out a colouring book.

"13's cool! But my favourite is All Might! He's also very cool!" Izuku starts rambling about All Might, making Ochako giggle. After hearing Ochako giggle, Izuku stopped rambling and rubbed the back of his neck while nervously smiling.

"Izuku! Lets be best friends!" Ochako happily said. Izuku brightly smiled. "Ok!" Izuku almost praticaly yelled.







So, welcome to this story, hope you enjoy it, even though I barely like this story. I hope you like it more than I do.

-weird kid

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