Ch.2 Drinks and summer

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I pLaY pOkEmOn Go EvErYdAy

3rd POV

It was the last day of middle school and both Izuku and Ochako are excited. "We're going to get to hang out aaallll the time!" Ochako tells Izuku, sitting in the desk next to him. "Yeah, no more having to get homework done first and all that!" Izuku says, drawing All Might on his desk again. All Might is a comic series of this super hero name, All Might. Izuku loves the tar out of it.

"Midoriya, you better not be drawing on the desk again. And please, stop talking while I'm trying to teach, you're going to need to know this for high school." the teacher said, glaring at Midoriya. The teacher isn't a huge fan of Midoriya's, in fact, the teacher doesn't like him one bit. Izuku and Ochako don't like him either, so they always give him a hard time and act up in his class.

"No, sir. I'm just pressing the led to my pencil on wood and moving it in circular patterns." Izuku explains. The teacher shakes his head and continues teaching that class, tired of Midoriya's shenanigans. Ochako giggles a little bit. Another thing about Izukus life in middle school, he isn't the most liked kid. At all. After the fight between Izuku and Katsuki, Katsuki managed to turn the whole school against Izuku.

Besides, nobody likes a geeky nerd who always causes trouble. Nobody except Ochako. No matter how many times izuku manages to accidentally get Ochako into trouble, she always stays by his side. Here's one of the times they both got into trouble....

flashback to last year

"Hold on...what did you say was in the water bottle?" Ochako asks. "Well, my dad has a bunch of alcohol in the fridge, because he's a drunk bastard, and I managed to poor some whiskey in my water bottle." Izuku explained, taking a sip from the water bottle. Izuku and Ochako do stuff like this often. They have this little meet up place in the school where they plan the stuff they do, the back of the school, outside where there is no security.

"Holy crap, Deku..." Ochako said, face palming herself. Deku is a name that Katsuki gave to Izuku to bully him, meaning useless. But Ochako changed that meaning to mean, you can do it, or something. "Give me the bottle." Ochako demanded, holding out her hand. Izuku gave her the bottle.

She took a few sniffs, looked into it, took a few sips, then gagged. "How can you stand the taste of that?!" Ochako almost yelled. Izuku chuckled and shrugged, taking a few more drinks from the bottle. "Couldn't you wait until you got home?" Ochaco asked. "Where's the fun in that? come on, lets go back to class before people get suspicious." Izuku said, putting the bottle back into his bag and walking back to class. Ochako following close behind.

They made it back to class, but got a weird look from the teacher. "And where were you two?" The teacher questioned. "Uhhh, I went to the bathroom." Izuku said, sitting down at his desk. "I got stuck at my locker." Ochaco answered the teacher, sitting down at her desk that was next to Izukus.

"And would you like to explain to me how you got stuck at your locker and what took you so long in the bathroom?" the teacher asked. Ochakos eyes shifted to the floor and Izuku looked at his desk. "Well...I had to look for my bag, it wasn't on my back or in my locker." Ochako answered. Izukus cheeks went a little red, knowing what he had to say. 'They are forever going to make fun of me for this' Izuku thought.

The teacher grabbed a apple and took a bite out of it, staring at Izuku. "Well?" the teach asked, looking at Izuku in amusement. Izuku smirked. "I had to take a long, fat, big, doodoo." Izuku said, shifting in his seat a little. The teacher stopped chewing, took a second to think about what Izuku just said, then forcefully swallowed his apple piece. "We didn't need to know that, Midoriya." the teacher said, putting down his apple.

"Sorry, but you asked." Izuku said, sitting back in his seat. The class whispered and giggled a little. No matter what Izuku said or did, he could never earn the kids respect. Ochako giggled a little. "Did you just say that so you could ruin his appetite?" she asked with a smile. "More or less" Izuku replied with a grin.

During class, Izuku takes out the water bottle. It's one of those water bottles that you can't see into, so he's not paranoid about someone finding out about what's in it. Izuku opens it up and takes a drink from it. The smell of alcohol reached Ochakos nose, causing her eyes to widen and look over to Izuku. "Izuku! Put that away! I can smell it!" Ochaco whisper yelled. "Calm down, no one would know it's me." Izuku calmly whispered back while taking a few drinks from it.

Ochako face palmed. "Don't say I didn't warn you." she whispered to him before going back to paying attention to the teacher. Soon the smell of alcohol reached the rest of the class. Someone raised their hand. "Yes?" the teacher asked pointing to the person. "Ok, is it just me, or does it smell like alcohol in here?" a female asks. Everyone agrees and Izuku slipped the water bottle back into his bag.

"We're so dead." Ochako whispered to Izuku, putting a hand on her face. "No we're not, act natural." Izuku whispered back. "Teacher! Midoriya and Urarka are whispering about something! And I saw Midoriya slip a water bottle back into his bag right as someone pointed out about the smell of alcohol!" a kid from behind deku yelled.

Izuku and Ochako began nervously sweating. "MIDORIYA AND URARAKA GO TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!" the teacher yelled at them. They both quickly got up and fled the classroom. "Ugghhh, IZUKU!!! I warned you!!!" Ochako yelled at him. "I know, I know, I know. I'm sorry!" Izuku panicky apologized. Ochako began to tear up. "Ugghh, my parents are going to be so disappointed in me and they will never let me hang out with you again for this!" Ochako worriedly said.

"Hey, hey, it's ok. You know, we don't have to go to the principles office." Izuku said with a smirk. "What are you getting at?" Ochako said. "Actually, we can, but, we can hide the bottle and give me a breath mint. So they have no proof it was us with the alcohol." Izuku said. That's what they did. They hid the bottle in the bathroom, and Ochako gave Izuku mint gum. They went to the principles office and were found not guilty.

But their parents did get a phone call.

Back to present time

"Maaannnn that feels like it happened just yesterday!" Ochako said to Izuku while on their walk home. School ended 30 minutes ago and on their way home, all they've been talking about was memories from school. "Summer is going to be so cool!!! Lets do everything together!" Ochako planned. "Ok! First, tommorrow, lets go swimming, I saw this cool water park, it has all sorts of cool water slides and stuff!" Izuku said, his eyes sparkling.

"Alright! That is marked for the first thing to do this summer!" Ochako said. They both made it home. The two are neighbors so they always walk home together. Being neighbors is great for the two, ever since they found out that they live next to each other, they always hanged out with each other, everyday. It was a living nightmare for the doorbell, so the Urarakas just told Izuku to walk right in if he wanted to see Ochako.

Ochakos parents are like second family to Izuku and Izukus parents are like second family to Ochako. Well, Izukus mom. Izukus dad isn't the greatest person. At all. Izukus dad is abusive and terrible and everything in between. Izuku doesn't know why he's that way, but his mom does. But during last years summer, she kicked him out, so Izuku and Ochako never worry about him anymore.

"See you tomorrow, Ochako!" Izuku waved as he walked into his house. Ochako waved back, walking into hers. They both carried on the day like normal. Eating dinner, playing video games, watching a movie, and texting each other at night. Both knowing that this summer is going to be awsome.

They just can't wait for tomorrow
Welp, I'm on the speed boat of trying to keep up with my own updates and that's called story time!!! so yeah, hope you enjoyed this chapter and...yeah

-weird kid

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