Ch.16 Paper Airplanes

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3rd POV

"Bakugou's still bothering you?"

From, Ochaco

Izuku read the note again and again. Not knowing what to do about the note at the moment, he shoved the note in his pocket and grabbed his stuff and left the school. Izuku made it back to the dorms and went straight to his room. He put his bag down beside his bed and took the note out of his pocket. He sat down on his bed, rereading the note.

Midoriya didn't know what to reply with. He put an arm over his face and closed his eyes. Yeah, Bakugou was bullying him, but he can't bring himself to explain to Ochaco everything that he's doing to him. He doesn't want her to worry about him. He doesn't want to get her in trouble again because he can't stick up for himself.

That's why she left him isn't it? It has nothing to do with parents, does it? Ochaco just used that excuse because she doesn't want to hurt his fragile feelings.

Midoriya shook his head. No, she's not like that. If she wanted to leave him because he's selfish, she would've told him. Izuku got up off his bed and walked over to his window to look out at the setting sun. He sighed as he looked at the note again. Izuku looked out at the sun one more time before going over to his desk and taking out a piece of paper and a pencil.

(I need to go back to school. My spelling SUCKS. I just forgot how to spell pencil.)

He was going to reply to her.

Yeah, but it's no biggy-

No, to casual.

Yeah, but it's fine-

That'll make her worry for sure. Should he just not say "Yes".

Maybe, maybe not-


Ok, replying is easier said than done. Why didn't she just text him? After five more tries, he picked one and went with it.


Yeah, but it's not that bad.

Ochaco was surprised that she got a reply. She thought that Izuku was mad at her. Turns out he's not. Uraraka shoved the note into her pocket and sat down at her desk. The rest of the class entered the room and sat down in their seats, chatting with others beside them.

"Morning, girls!" Mina greeted the girls in her area. They all greeted her back.

(Imagining Mina without pink skin is weird)

Ochaco stared down at her desk while the girls talked to each other. She planned what she was gonna do if she didn't get a reply out of Izuku, but not if she did. Let alone, he admitted that Katsuki was bullying him again, so that made things worst for her. She wants to comfort him, but doing it through a note hits different.

Ochaco wants to make things less bad than it was. He was probably miserable at the moment. So much has happened in less than a month and that's too much to bare in so little time. She just has to think on how to make things better for him, but without her parents figuring out that she's talking to him again.

Ochaco sighed and put her head down on her desk. "Ok, quiet down, class is starting." Aizawa said, entering the classroom. The class quieted down and paid attention to Aizawa. It was almost as if class was going slower than normal to Uraraka, who spaced out the whole time, thinking about how to fix her friendship with Izuku.

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