Ch.6 worry

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3rd POV

Why does Izuku keep staring at me?

Every class, Ochako noticed Midoriya's eyes on her. It was kinda weird to her. He must have some kind of staring problem.

"Hey, Midoriya!" A red head named Kirishima yelled. Midoriya turned around and faced the red head. "Ah, Kirishima." Midoriya said in surprise. Kirishima ran his way up to Midoriya. "Lets walk to class together." Kirishima said, walking next to Izuku. "Ok!" Izuku enthusiastically said. Then they walked in silence.

"So, you seem to have a history with Bakugou." Kirishima started. Izuku did a flinch kind of thing. "Yeah, we used to be friends." Midoriya nervously answered. "Used to be? What happened?" Kirishima asked, looking at the nervous boy. "Hey, guys! Your walking together?! Let me join!" yelled a yellow haired lightning bolt boy behind them. "Oh, hey! Kaminari!" Kirishima yelled. "Kirishima! Midoriya!" Kaminari enthusiastically yelled.

"How ya doin manz?!" Kaminari yelled asked. "Good!" Midoriya replied. "Great!" Kirishima answered. "How bout you man?" Kirishima asked. "I'm awesome!" Kaminari replied. They all started walking together. Kirishima never got an answer to his question.

They made it to the classroom and opened the door. The class was haywire. Nobody knows what happened, but, Bakugou was trying to kill everyone, Mina was trying to ice skate around the classroom, Sero was desperately running for his life, and Uraraka was banging her head against her desk to whatever Toru was saying to her. Everyone was yelling and screaming, it was like a kindergarten or preschool.

Izuku walked up to Ochaco. "What's going on?" he asked Uraraka. Uraraka flinched. "OH, IZUKU, DIDN'T SEE YA THERE!" Uraraka yelled, lifting her head from her desk. Izuku nodded. "Ok." he said going to his desk. The teacher walked into the chaos of a classroom and immediately wanted to walk out.

"Alright class, settle down!" Aizawa yelled, making the kids scared and immediately go to their seats. "If I ever walk in again, and it is this chaotic, you will be expelled." Aizawa warned. All the kids responded with "Yes sir" in fear. "Alright, lets start class." Aizawa said.


Class was boring. That's all to it. It was time to go home, and Izuku was waiting by Ochako's desk, with all his things packed up. "Ya ready?" Midoriya asked. Ochako grabbed her bag and put it on her back. "Yep! Lets go!" she happily said. Iida grabbed his bag too. "I, also, am ready to go." Iida firmly said. "Alright, lets go!" Uraraka said, starting to walk.

They walked home. Izuku and Iida actually for once, started to get to know each other. They talked until Iida had to part ways with them. "I noticed that you don't really talk to him." Ochako started. "Yeah, I kinda wasn't really comfortable (took me forever to figure out how to spell that) with him" Midoriya answered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, are you now?" Uraraka asked. "yeah, sure." Midoriya replied. They made it home. "I'm pretty sure we get home faster and faster each time we walk." Uraraka pointed out. Midoriya nodded. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow, Ochaco!" Izuku said, running up to his house. "See you tomorrow, Izuku" Ochaco waved, running up to her house.


Ochako has a lot on her mind. She seems to not be able to get Izuku out of her head. She has been thinking about him an awful lot lately. Uraraka doesn't know when it started, she just started feeling weird around him. Just try not to pay attention to these new feelings. It's probably just a sickness. she kept telling herself. But she still can't help but feel stirred up around him.

Has she had these feelings for him before? Yes, a couple of times in middle school. But they have never stayed like this. So she doesn't know what they are or what to do with them, other than trying to get rid of them.


The next day was like any other day. Get up and go to school because there is no such thing as Saturday and Sunday. That must suck. Anyway, Izuku walked alone to school this day, it felt really lonely. The class was once again chaos, but quieted down once Midoriya entered the room. Once the class saw that it was just Midoriya, it went back to chaos.

Izuku went and silently sat at his desk. "Good morning!" Uncle Grand- (*ahem*) Kaminari greeted Midoriya. "Good morning Kaminari!" Midoriya greeted back. Uraraka stared at Midoriya form across the room while he talked with Kaminari, nothing creepy their. She started thinking about her strange feelings.

"Did ya hear that, Ochako? Ochaco? Earth to Ochaco!" Mina said, poking Uraraka, trying to get her attention. "Huh, what?" asked Uraraka, awakening from her daydream. Just then, the door swung open with Aizawa standing in the door way. The class immediately quieted down. "Good, at least you all are in your seats. But, still.....why is Sero covered in tape?" Aizawa asked, regretting ever becoming a teacher.

"I go by Flex Tape now." Sero said. Aizawa rubbed a hand down his face, disappointed. "Whatever, lets start class." Aizawa started class. Eight hours later, the school day ended and everyone was making there way home. Uraraka avoided Midoriya the whole day for who knows what. It made Midoriya confused.

Izuku made his way to Ochaco's desk. "Hey, wanna walk home with me?" he asked Uraraka. Ochaco grabbed her things and stood up from her desk. "Yeah, sure." she said as she began walking. Iida already left, so it was just the two of them today. Just like old times Midoriya thought. "It's been awhile since it was just us. Alone like this." Izuku said as they walked down a empty street.

Midoriya's words made Ochaco's cheeks go a little red. "Yeah" Ochaco whispered. Izuku looked at Ochaco. "Hey, is something wrong?" he asked, concerned. "No, why?" Something in Uraraka told her not to tell Midoriya about the strange feelings. "Well, you've been acting a little off. You've been avoiding me the whole day and continuously dosing off." Izuku explained.

Ochaco side glanced. (Slide to the leFt! CrIsS CrOsS!) "Well, I've been feeling strange lately." She had to get it off her chest, but a little voice inside of her was screaming at her to stop. "How?" Izuku asked, defiantly concerned now. "Well..." she trailed off. Her heart was pounding, her palms were sweaty, knees weak arms are heavy.

She couldn't finish her sentence. Just then, they arrived at their destination. "Well, I have to go now." she said, going to her house. "Wait! Ochaco! You've got to tell me what's wrong!" he yelled as she made her way inside. "Sorry Izuku!" she yelled as she ran in. Ochaco doesn't even know what she is feeling, or why that little voice was telling her to stop telling Izuku how she was feeling.

Izuku ran inside his house, running to his room and grabbing his phone to text Ochaco.

Broccli: Ochaco, pls tell me wuts wrong!
read 4:10 pm

"OH COME ON! SHE LEFT ME ON READ!" Broccli yelled. Meanwhile, downstairs, Inko looks upstairs at her sons room with concern. Izuku flopped down onto his bed, worried.

Don't worry Izuku, everything's going to be alright. He kept telling himself so he could calm down.

Ding! His phone got a notification. He ran to his phone. "Yes! She texted me back!" he unlocked his phone to see the text message.

Mochi luver: Everything fine. Just tummy ache.

Izuku sighed, then laughed a little.

Everything is alright.
yep. ok, I got new dog, cutest thing eva. yeah. idk. anyway, hope ya enjoyed!

-weird kid

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