Part 11,Think

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"B-but I need to-"

"No you don't"

Where we last left off, Lia, now fully devoted to her (Y/n), vowed to never again break her vow to him. To always keep him safe and love him to the end itself...even if it meant not physically letting him go. Exhausted, but whole again, she carried him to their bed, very carefully laying him there before getting in herself, pressing his face in between her breasts while wrapping his leg around him. (Y/n), now exhausted as well, fell asleep immediately, making his lover smile down at him. At morning time...this was the result. Still bandaged and healing, unable to see, he could still feel...and what he felt...his face turned bright red, he couldn't move away due to her grip.

"I-I can't be b-between know..." (Y/n) said as he tried to move away from her, only for Lia to tighten her hold on her precious angel.

"Yes you're not allowed to leave."

Seeing as how it was pointless to resist, he, with a blushed face, rested his head in between het breasts again. Lia, who stared at him the entire time, smiled and buried her face in his hair, taking in his scent.

"Mmm~ My beautiful Darling~"

She kept whispering soft pet names to his ear, he didn't mind it at all. Although there were a few words he'd have to ask her when/if he gets his sight back.

"Mine~ Mine~ I'm never letting you go again~ I'll fucking kill anyone who thinks they can hurt you~ my cute babe needs my love~ I love you so much Darling~"

Those words, while happy to hear how much she loved him...he can't help, but feel a slight tug of doubt...

His love for her was solid, he knew what she liked, what made her angry, when to talk to her, her favourite foods, hobbies, and many other things...he knew what made her happy...he did his hardest to make her happy...but she mentioned how the thought of dating a girl entered her mind when they were together...the teasing, while cute, quickly went sour when she said how he would react if they brought another to their relationship...and...Lia killing him...the memory still replayed in his mind...all that time being together...helping her with het break-ups...doing his hardest to make her smile...

The result...a knife to the chest...stabbing an already broken heart...

And he thought something...something that never entered his mind even when he died...even in the middle of the after life...a thought that...he should've thought of before...

'W-why did I-I give Lia a second c-chance...?'

The thought becoming stronger the more he thought of it, why did he forgive her? She would never forgive him if the roles were reversed. She would immediately hurt him and leave...She'd yell out how he was a poison to she a poison to him...? Maybe they really weren't meant to be...she knew about his loyalty to her...yet she still chose Via's words and video over his heart...

Then again, he couldn't blame her, her past relationships...people say to just get over it, that they know the feeling...but if they did, they'd know it's not that easy...

Maybe he's thinking about it all wrong...maybe she does deserve a second chance, everyone does...maybe...maybe she'll actually believe him this time...she did promise that she'd never hurt him again...yeah...he would have to apologize to Lia for ever even thinking about doubting her...

But...She also promised to always love marry him...and she broke that promise...for his final moments, he recalled her calling him...a cheating bastard...maybe he's just as worthless as she said...

"Baby? What's wrong? You're trembling... What happened?! Does anything hurt?! What's hurting you?!"

Realizing he's been in his own head, he moved his head up.

"O-oh...I-i'm sorry L-lia...I-i was just thinking..."

Lia took notice on his tone, trembling...her heart ached seeing him like this. She, very softly, kissed his forehead while her fingers softly glide through his hair.

"There there Baby...Everything's okay now...Your bad girl's learned her lesson...I'll never again doubt you...My love knows you're the only one for me...My beautiful (Y/n)...I swear...Nothing will come between us again...I won't let it..."

Her words sound meaningful...but does she really deserve another chance...? Will she keep her promise this time...?

Is it even worth it...?

'I...I just don't know...'

Yandere cheater Bad Girl x Male Good Boy readerWhere stories live. Discover now