Twilight is informed of Anya's ability

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Twilight barges in the door, seeing an unconscious Anya tied with a blindfold and Handler looking at him of what seems to be a mix of disappointment and irritation. Twilight looks at Anya then back at her with a borderline angry and questioning look. She walks closer to him, handing over a folder with papers inside. "There's your answer."

"An escaped subject from the government's research facility. I presume you didn't do your homework before adopting her?" Handler leans her back at a wall. "An Esper huh. I was given the report by the head person of the experiment that time." Handler leans on a nearby wall, pauses before giving a sigh. "It was a successful experiment."

Twilight felt her whole body give in to goosebumps. His blood ran cold and for the first time, he was out of words. The situation, failing to register fast enough in his head.

"Meaning and most likely, all classified information of you and your identity are inside the head of this little girl. And most importantly, Operation Strix."

Twilight swallowed a forming lump in his throat before reluctantly speaking. "What do you propose to do?" Handler couldn't resist but to look at Anya with sadness and pity, knowing fully that the girl was blameless in all this. It was all just the situation she was in. Just the situation. "What we usually do."

Twilight automatically felt fear overcome him. In all his years working as a spy, he'd never felt so much anxiety he's feeling now, and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say he was genuinely scared of what would happen from here on out. "Anyway, after this, we'll provide you a new child to adopt, one that would meet standards and requirements for the mission." Handler says.

"...Pa?" Anya's meek voice was suddenly heard. Anya hears a female voice's thoughts; seems she's woken up. I'm... sorry to have caught you up in all this. Handler stands up straight and prepares to leave the room. "I'll leave you two first. Take all the time you need." Twilight was still wishing this would all just be a dream he could wake up from any time now.

Twilight walks towards Anya, crouching down. "I was about to ride the bus after school, then I suddenly felt sleepy." Anya says and Twilight gently pulls down the eye mask she was made to wear. She looks curiously at him as she observed his grim face. Twilight was silent as he proceeds to untangle the ropes tied on her hands.

"I want you to wait for Pa. Okay? I'll be back." Twilight says, cupping her cheek to which Anya reluctantly nods. I'm doing this for you, Anya. For your safety. Anya didn't know why she did not feel good from that thought but, she trusted her papa more than anything else.

She beamed at Twilight. "Okay!"

Twilight went outside, to see Handler and another one of his superiors. "I'd like to propose an alternative."

"Nothing should go against the established protocol Twi—" The superior fires at Twilight but is stopped by Handler. "I'm listening..."

Twilight takes one last look at Anya through the large one-way mirror. I'm sorry Anya...

And after that day, Anya didn't see Twilight any longer. She still stayed with Yor as Yor refused to give Anya up, realizing she'd grown to love this fake daughter of her too much, beating up every agent from the spy agency attempting to retrieve Anya, in order to fulfill Twilight's alternative proposal that day. Handler eventually lets her be, seeing that Yor was the only mother who could be there for the little girl (and of fear from possibly losing more employees).

Though it was strange that Anya and Yor kept receiving financial support from an anonymous donor after all these years, with Anya still being able to attend Eden Academy until she reached high school.

"Anya, I told you to avoid coming home late. It's 8 pm already! Who knows if perverts and other bad guys lurk around out there?" A 38-year-old Yor nags, worried at the 16-year-old Anya. "Now look what you did, you made me sound like Loid." Yor jokingly adds.

Anya frowns and mutters under her breath. "If that's even his real name..." Anya turns to face Yor. "Can we please just not talk about him. He left us. Without even saying anything. I bet he didn't even care." Even when I did everything to help his mission. He still chose it over us.

Yor looks at her daughter, sad at this. "Anya... I know it's weird for me to say this but I'm sure Loid had his reasons. He loved you and was even overprotective of you, and I don't know why I think that but I do. Even up until now.." Anya scoffed at this. "I'm going to get some fresh air. I'll just be at the playground of the neighborhood. That's close enough here right?"

Yor was taken aback and smiled sadly. I can't blame her. Just... Loid why did you disappear? Anya's not the only one feeling confused here you know.

Anya walked towards the swing, slightly swinging it back and forth. Drowning in her thoughts.

You're all grown up now huh?

Anya immediately tilted her head up, looking around. That voice... She wasn't mistaken. Right? She stood up from the swing, frantically searching for the voice of thought she just heard. Her head tilting left and right. She then shouted, not minding if the whole neighborhood heard her.

"W-Where are you?! I know you're there!" But she was met with silence. Unrelenting and stubborn, as she's always been, she raised the volume of her voice. "I waited for you! You told me to wait for you! I did all these years! A-And you—" Anya chokes on her own voice as tears threaten to fall. "You promised me! Y-You liar! Mean! Stupid spy!" Anya eventually breaks down, kneeling.

The man had to keep his hardest to stay composed in the shadows, taking a deep breath as he remembered that day.

"I'm listening..."Handler says, intrigued with Twilight's sudden change from his usual apathetical ways when it comes to people involved in his missions.

"I will cut ties with her and Yor. If I finish the mission within 3 months, you promise to give Anya to a good and proper family and to let Yor live just as she'd always have."

"And if you don't?" Handler raised her eyebrow.

"I'll take responsibility. Do as you wish with me." Twilight says, full of conviction and Handler herself could not doubt the confidence in his voice, wanting to trust the agent's assurances, just as she always has. Afterall, THE Agent Twilight never disappoints. Handler lets out a sharp exhale, smirking. "I'll take up that proposal of yours. We have a deal Agent Twilight."

And Twilight did, forcing the mission to be accomplished within just 2 months and a half.

The man quickly left the playground, not ready to hear more of what Anya had to say. Afraid he'd turn illogical again, that emotion would take over what his mind dictated as the right thing. I'll do anything to keep them safe. Anything. Even if it means living my whole life not being able to see them again.

Twilight swiftly walks with quiet steps towards a black car parked the other side of the playground. He pulled the door handle, entering and still silent. 

"Such a grim face Twilight. So, did you see her?" 

Twilight remained silent at Handler's question, shifting his eyes back to the playground again. Handler sighs. "My daughter would've been 3 years older than her, had I taken action earlier myself. You did the right thing Twilight. You were there for her. Just not in the way she wanted you to be."

Twilight nods. "I know." Though he couldn't help that deep inside him, he knew he was lying to himself. That all his life, he would continue to live unsatisfied, unhappy, and discontented. But he would continually swallow this feeling for as long as he can force to. Just to make sure a bright future was waiting for them. For his family.

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