Chapter 5: Curse of wrath

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Diora Royal castle

"Absolutely not!" a voice came from the hall.

Remi and Victor both turned to see who that voice belonged to.

A girl about Remi's age came towards them. She had light green skin and was clad in the royal clothes of Diora.

"Oi Victor! I can't believe you almost gave this Demon a village! Unbelievable" the girl spoke.

"Who the fuck are you?!!" Remi shouted.

"Sir Remi, it's alright, don't be rash," Edward said, holding him back.

Victor cleared his throat and gave his take on the issue.

"Princess Unala, just the woman I wanted to see, I wasn't going to completely give him the village. Just give him co-leadership of it while someone from the Royal family would supervise his activities".

"The hell that wasn't the deal!" Remi kept trying to break free from Edward's grip but couldn't.

"And I bet you expect me to be the supervisor, no? Well, I did want a village to start my orphanage for the abnormals. It's too bad I'd have to share it with a demon" Unala said with pity in her voice.

"Shut up!" Remi was at boiling point now.

"Princess, please do this as a favor to me. You know, no matter what, we'll need his strength for the battle against our enemies. Why not get on his good side through this?" Victor suggested.

"You're right. We can't have him acting like the last wrath demon. This time if I see shit from him I'll end him!" Unala spoke up.

"Grrrrrrrrr" Remi could no longer use words at this point, just glaring like a mad dog.

After the paperwork was done in the castle, Remi and Edward are now co-owners of a village.

"This is how we'll start Sir Remi. We'll move up our ranks as knights and make our village great. We'll be known as heroes across the land!" Edward said.

"I'm no Hero Ed, all I want is to make food for myself and survive," Remi answered, he was devoid of motivation.

When these two saved the poor villagers under the witch's rule, a girl asked them to govern the town. Remi agreed, since the further away from the capital, the better he was; he couldn't pass up up the offer to live there.

Remi and Edward passed by the knights' quarters again and met their fellow knights. Alex stepped forward this time.

"Hey bro, I heard about what happened to you during the challenge. I am sorry." Alex said to comfort Remi.

"Don't worry about it", Remi said with a solemn tone.

He continued to walk away until.

"I just knew someone who'd get lucky and become overpowered, bloody cheat," said Ali. He had an annoyed look on his face.

The moment Remi heard these words, all the killing intent/aura escaped his body. Alex and the rest quickly felt this and backed off.

Deborah quickly intercepted Ali.

"Apologize now!" She said.

"Wait... Do tell me you think I'm happy with this...thing inside me?" The boy pointed at his heart.

"Sure do, unlike us 5, you got super strong without a bit of training. That's unfair, don't you think demon?"

Remi strikes the ground, making all of the Nigerians alert to his strength. "Screw you! I'm out of here!" He leaves before he does any more damage.

"Sir Remi!" Edward said, following him.

Elisa also tried to call him but couldn't muster up the courage. Alex, Deborah, and Elisa all looked at Ali with eyes of anger.

"What did I do?" Ali said, raising his hands in the air.

Swampfort village

Arriving in the village and being greeted by the villagers did no good to Remi's anger. He decided to go back to the witch's cabin and rest his mind.

Edward followed him and Remi collapsed on the floor.

"Ed, you know I would have killed all those guys if I hadn't left, right?" Remi asked.

"I know, sir, I know," Edward said as he sat down on the wooden floor of the cabin.

"Will I ever be able to control this anger?" Remi asked.

"Sadly, I don't know," Edward said, with a solemn tone.

Night fell and Remi decided it would be better for him to sleep in the cabin.

Edward then took the liberty of bringing two mattresses to the cabin.

"I'll make sure nobody tries to come and assassinate you in your sleep, sir," Edward said.

"Does that actually happen?" Remi asked.

"Not often though," Edward answered.

After falling asleep, Remi started to dream.


Remi found himself face to face with the being he was now sharing a body with, the demon of wrath.

The demon was fairly tall and had charcoal-black skin with blue, glowing veins all around his body. His face was the same as Remi's. However, his eyes were pitch black except for his blue pupils, and his long blue horn stood on the left side of his forehead.

"Greetings, boy; I can't wait to see what chaos you'll cause with my powers. The last host managed to destroy half of the population of the kingdom you're currently in hehehehehe" the demon said.

Hearing this almost stopped Remi's heart. No wonder the knights looked at him with hate and would continue to hate him. As if hearing it wasn't enough, he started getting visions of the mass genocide of men, women, and even children. Remi wanted to scream from the mere sight of the Carnage but his voice didn't come out.

"Haaaaa, I wonder who you'll kill next. Monsters, humans or demons, whatever you do, I'll enjoy watching it! Just kill, kill,, kil,l, ki,ll, k,ill, ,kill,, kill,, kil,l, ki,ll, k,ill, ,kill,, kill, kill, kill! The more violence, the better. The more you hate, the better the more WRATH! THE BETTER! HAHAHAHA" the demon laughed as Remi screamed at the sight of the unholy massacre.

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