Calvary Ch. 6 John the Baptist

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Chapter.6- John the Baptist (Iohannis Baptistae)

Against my warning of preaching in the city, John had done anyways, attracting the attention of King Herod getting him arrested and thrown in jail.

Darron and I were getting ready for bed when Darron got an invite to a party for King Herod. I wasn't interested at all so I stayed home. Before Darron left he hugged and kissed me goodbye, "I'll be back soon sweetheart, you'll wait?" I nodded and watched him leave. I went back to bed.

Darron's P.O.V.

I went to the palace of Herod to attend his birthday dinner party. His daughter Salome and her mother Herodias were there along with Herod's other guests. I sat with another officer as the party began. As the party progressed, Herod wanted Salome to dance for him and she wasn't biting. "Dance for me Salome, and I will give you anything you want, even if it's up to half my kingdom." This peaked Salome's interest. She finally agreed to dance which she successfully seduced a half drunken Herod who was more than pleased with her performance. After the dance was finished, Herod turned to Salome, "What is it that you wish for?" Salome had taken a brief minute to ask her mother what she should wish for. She came back to Herod and said, "I want.... On a silver platter.... The head of John the Baptist." Herod was horrified at her request because he regarded John as a holy man and that is death would stir up his crowd but being watched by his guests, he reluctantly obliged. Herod had come to me and ask to do the job as he knew I had a reputation for fast, clean work. Herod turns to his guests, "Give her what she wishes." There was nothing clean about what I was about to do.

I couldn't believe what I had heard. I without question headed the prison where John was with Salome following me shortly behind. I was feeling sick. "Herod tells me that you are very good and precise at what you do?" I don't respond to her. She kept talking, "You'll make his death painless?" I only nodded. Salome stayed back while I went to collect John from his cell. He immediately recognized me, "Darron! What's going on? Am I to be released?" I sadly shook my head no. I had John get on his knees. The horrified look on his face told me that we both knew why I was here and what was about to happen. "Please forgive me.... For what I must do." I hugged him and gave him a moment to pray. He signaled me that he was done. He leaned over with his head down, hands together. I took a deep breath as I struggled to hold back tears, and with one swipe was able to painlessly end John's life. I took John's head back to Salome who looked away from it as I sat it down on the platter. I could tell that she was terribly uncomfortable. She then left quickly without another word. I couldn't help but to breakdown and cry. What will Sarah think when she hears? I quickly left the prison and secluded myself in the woods.

Sarah's P.O.V.

It was morning and I realized that Darron wasn't home yet. I got dressed and started searching. I figured he'd might still be at Herod's, so I decided to pay the king a visit.

I arrived at Herod's palace and the guards let me in. "Excuse me your majesty, I'm looking for my husband." Herod looked amused, "And who might that just be?" I replied, "Darron, he's a soldier that attended your party last night," Herod recalled the memory, "Ah yes he was here last night, but I haven't seen him around here, he must have left." I nodded, I also heard you have my brother John the Baptist locked up?" Herod didn't respond but looked uneasy. I looked up, "You know what, I'll go see for myself." Herod didn't stop me and watched me as I brushed past the guard and went into the prison.

"John, John, are you in here John?" A gruff voice spoke, "You won't find him here!" I turned towards the voice of a prisoner that sat in a cell next to John's. "Where is he then?" I asked. The prisoner let out a slight chuckle, "He was beheaded last night." I was at a loss for words. "What! Why?" The prisoner spoke with a huge grin on his face, "From what I heard the king ordered it." I couldn't speak. The prisoner continued, "And from what I saw a Roman soldier was the one to do it, which is weird as Romans don't' work in Herod's court, but that young soldier took him out with one hit!" I gasped as I knew the only Roman soldier that I knew that would be at Herod's at the time was Darron. I also know his line of work, and a beheading would fit the description. I didn't want to believe it. I faced the prisoner, "Did this soldier have long black hair and green eyes?" The prisoner laughed, Yep, that would be the man." I very quickly left to the main palace to confront Herod.

I was horrified as walked back into the palace. I walked up to the king, "What the hell is wrong with you?" Herod sat up concerned. "John is dead and the man you sent to kill him was my husband!" The king looked surprised but spoke, "It was my stepdaughter Salome's wish, I told her she could have anything she asked for if she danced for me, so she asked for the head of John the Baptist." I felt myself begin to cry as I knew all the pieces added up. "Where is this girl? I'd like my brothers head back so I can properly bury it." I asked sternly. Herod got up to fetch Salome. I was hungry so when Herod left the room and I snagged some bread and fruits that I seen on the table and put them in my knapsack. Herod returned with Salome holding John's head. I turned around quickly, "You could have least wrapped it first!" They wrapped his head in cloth and Salome handed it to me without a word. I stood up straight and faced them, "Thanks for all the help!" I replied sarcastically. "Oh, and by the way, screw all of you!" I left but not before knocking some plates and a chalice off the table.

Darron's P.O.V.

I had secluded myself in the woods for some time ashamed at what I had done. My anguish was almost unbearable. I needed to face Sarah at some point and be honest with her. I went back to Herod's first and apologized for leaving prematurely. I walked in as Herod greeted me. "Darron, I had a special guest come by while you were out!" I looked around to see things that were knocked off onto the floor. "Sarah was here wasn't she? I can tell because Sarah gets destructive when she is upset," Then I thought to myself, she probably found out about John's death. The king finally replied, "She was here, but when she left, she told us to screw off." My jaw dropped; Sarah can be so reckless with words. I bowed politely, "Thanks anyways, I'll go find her myself. Goodnight your majesty."

Sarah's P.O.V.

I went out far to bury John's head. His disciples had already taken is body by the time I arrived at the prison and buried it elsewhere. It was dark out and yet again due to my poor eyesight was unable to see very well and I slipped and fell into a hole I had dug and fell, and I hit my head hard and went unconscious. I awoke soon after and continued my work and decided I should head back home hoping to see Darron there. 

While walking home, I crashed into someone. Still looking down, I apologized, "I'm sorr.." I looked up to see who it was, and it was Darron. He didn't speak but just grabbed me and held me tight. After a few moments he spoke, "I'm sorry Sarah, I'm so sorry!" I could tell me was crying. I grabbed his face, "I went to Herod's looking for you, I don't blame you for John's death, I just found it terrible that they made you carry it out." Darron exhaled, "Thank you Sarah." Darron ran his hands down my sides, "You're getting skinny Sarah, It is my duty as your husband to make sure you are taken care of." I pulled out my knapsack and pulled out the breads and fruits out. Darron sighed, "It's also my job to make sure you are well fed and have food. I ran away when I should have come to you!" I gave Darron a warm kiss, "You are here for me now and that's what matters." There was a brief pause, "Darron, I want children." Darron pulled away from me from me and softly smiled as he ran his finger through my hair, he smiled picked me up bridal style and carried me all the way home. We returned to Darron's place and he laid me down, and crawled over me, "Then let's get started."

Authors Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I felt the need to do P.O.V. (point of view) because this story is narrated by Sarah and there are part sin this chapter that heavily involve Darron, I disliked killing off John because I loved his character but of course according to the bible I had to add it Anyways I hope you all will continue to follow as the next chapter is the most important chapter!

                                                                                                                                          Sierra Ann

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