Taehyung - I will still love you Part 2

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Thank you for the plot @chimjoon99 ^^

- 6 months later-

Yes, you survived. You didn't die from the accident. The way you dressed now is totally way different than before. Before, you were a nerd. Now you had changed into a pretty girl. "Whatever what nonsense did I said before. I can live without him. He made my life upside down. The rest of them were the same to but whatever it's no use loving him anymore (Y/N)! Wake up, come on, you will find someone better than him" You said to yourself while you were on your way to your work place. Yes, you decided to work instead of going to school. 

You are currently working in a famous company. You made a lot of money. "Morning (Y/N)" One of your colleague said. "Oh morning!!" You greeted back. In this company that you are working at, you are the popular one among your colleague which was way different than before when you were in school. 

-Skips a bit-

You checked the time and it was time to go home. You packed up your things and said goodbye to your colleagues and left the building. While you were walking, you spot a familiar person. Of course none other than Kim Taehyung. You stared at him and scoffed. He saw you weirdly as he didn't recognized you. You ignored him and walk past him. Before you could go further, he stopped you. 

"Do I know you?" He asked. "Sorry? What do you mean?" You replied back. He froze. "(Y/N)?" He said. You raised an eye brow. "How do you know?" You said. "Your voice... But you look different.. You look pretty" He said. You rolled your eyes. He gulped. "I heard that you got into an accident from the teacher the last time.. How are you?" He asked. 'He dare ask me this question?' Inner you. 

"How am I? You are the one who caused me to be in an accident! And you dare ask me how am I? You must be crazy. "You scoffed. He looked shocked. "Me? I was the cause? I'm sorry (y?/N).." He said while he looked down. "You're sorry?! I can't believe it after all these years? Now you apologize? Sorry I have no time. I have to go" You said while trying to get out from his grip. 

"Please.. I'm sorry (Y/N)! I.. i'll change.." He said almost pleading. "Are you crazy? Haha what am I talking about.. You seriously think I'll fall for you once again? No. Never. You rejected me, made a joke out of it in front of a lot of people. Do you think I was not embarrassed? Of course I was! You made my life miserable. Don't think that I'll forgive you and give you another chance. I'm done. There's no more me liking you. So please, leave me alone Kim Taehyung." You said. 

After you said those words, he let go of you. "Thank you." You said while you walked away. "good job (Y/N). He doesn't deserve you." You whispered to yourself.

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