Angel in the Dark (Cassandra X Reader)

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We got some seductive lesbian Cassandra incoming...

Hold on to your butts...

The Reader lives in a cabin outside of Corona (kinda like Hagrid in 'Harry Potter'), but is still considered a citizen. One night, she is preparing for some cooking experiments when Cassandra, now in possession of the Moonstone, somehow gets into her home. After Cassandra explains herself, the Reader has to make a choice...


You walked into your house, a bag full of apples in your hands. You heaved it onto the counter top as it landed with a dull THUD. Untying the top, you poured it into the sink and turned the faucet on. Grabbing a scrubbing brush, you took one of the fruits and began to clean it. You repeated this process as your mind began to drift elsewhere.

You kept thinking about Cassandra, whom you learned had betrayed Rapunzel and the others before taking the Moonstone. Her face was plastered all over the wanted posters of Corona. But, you knew she probably had a reason for doing what she did. Cass had always told you that she wondered what happened to her mother.

Maybe, she found out who her mother was and couldn't accept who or what her mom was.

Maybe, it had to do with Rapunzel, as well...

All of a sudden, you felt a presence from somewhere in the room. You couldn't tell who or what it was. But, you weren't taking any chances if whoever it was a threat to you. Unfortunately, you didn't have any weapons and you felt like reaching for a knife was going to be a risky move. So, you figured you'd use what you have with you currently.

With all the strength in your dominant arm, you threw the apple in your hand in the direction of the intruder. It hurled across the room in a flash of color before it was caught in midair. A black cladded hand now had a hold of the fruit. It then raised the apple to the owner's mouth, taking a slow bite.

"Y'know, you always had an eye for the freshest apples, (Y/N)..." A familiar yet smooth voice spoke from the shadows. That voice... it was so familiar... could it be? No... it couldn't be!

"Who are you?" You asked firmly but soft enough if this person was indeed a friend. You approached the person cautiously, in case of an attack. A dark chuckle rumbled in the intruder's throat, sending a shiver down your spine. She spoke up again, "You wanna know? Alright..."

The anonymous woman stepped out of the shadows, revealing a familiar face. Her hair was bobbed and now a cyan blue, matching her aqua eyes. Her armor was replaced with a black bodysuit with a blue stripe wrapping around her torso and right thigh. Her right was covered with a glove, which was the same blue as the stripe on her attire. Resting on the left side of her chest was the infamous but dangerous Moonstone.

"Cass?! What are you doing here?! You're wanted here!" You exclaimed, eyes blown so wide, they could've fallen out of your skull.

"Yeah, I know..." she answered, sounding dejected. You didn't blame her, though. Corona was her only home after all and you hoped it still is. You listened more carefully as she started to spoke again, "But I had to see you..."

"Why? I mean, you could've seen anyone in the kingdom who you're close with."

"They would've turned me in... especially my... father," she replied, saying the word 'father' bitterly.

"What makes you think I won't turn you in?" You asked with a tone of sass, crossing your arms together over your chest. You had expected a somber answer from the woman, but instead, after letting out a quiet gasp, she chuckled the same way she did moments before. She walked over to you slowly, a slight sway to her hips.

"Oh, (N/N), you wouldn't do that to your best friend... trust me," Suddenly, she cornered you against the kitchen counter, both her arms trapping you in that space. Another soft laugh and she spoke again in that low voice, "Can't do anything while you're cornered and without a weapon..."

You couldn't help but blush madly at the close proximity between us, (A/N: Cass, you need to be practicing social distancing) your heart racing. You didn't know what to say, considering that you didn't know why exactly she was here. You knew this was more than just a surprise visit to a friend, especially since Cass is considered a fugitive. By now, the silence between you two were so unbearable, you decided to say something, "What happened out there? Why did you take the Moonstone?"

At that, you heard her sigh quietly before answering, "I found out my mother was the same woman who took Rapunzel. I felt betrayed because, for so long, I've been in her shadow. I want to show everyone that I am truly something more."

You could understand her actions more now. She was trying to prove that she could be just as powerful, if not more powerful, than Rapunzel. That she didn't have to wait for a rare opportunity to present itself to prove her worth. Is that why she was here? To get you on her side instead of Rapunzel's? If anything, you were on the fence, maybe even leaning more towards Cassandra's side.

"Why are you really here, Cass? A friend doesn't come to see their friend when they're on the run. Please..." you whispered gently, voice hushed as you bowed your head.

"Well, I can't really put it into words, but I can put it into actions," she said simply, removing her hands from the wooden surface pressing against your back. You grew concerned and confused when she said that, until it happened...

Cassandra's lips were on yours within a second, a furious blush spreading across your face. She pulled you closer as you sunk into it and hugged her tightly. It ends as soon as it began when she pulled away and said, "(Y/N), come with me..."

You didn't need any more prompting and pleading, "Okay..."

You quickly packed all your essentials before meeting the blue-haired woman outside. The pair of you then took off into the forest where her base was. Once inside the tower...

You both felt more at home...

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