Once Upon a Dream (Elsa X Reader)

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Yeah, referring a Disney song in a different Disney universe.

Reader is Female because it's Elsa

Here's the Reader's Outfit:

Reader has powers over crystal and is the sixth element

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Reader has powers over crystal and is the sixth element. Much like Elsa, she has a physical human form. One day, Elsa hears her singing and goes to investigate. When she discovers there's a human sixth element, she is awestruck.



It had been a few weeks since Elsa joined the four element spirits as the fifth element of ice. In all honesty, it was freeing, no longer being bound by royal responsibilities. She received letters from Anna every once in a while and the blonde would offer her some advice and tell her about her life. The letters made her realize how lonely she really was...

Sure, the elementals kept her company and explored the forest with her. But, in human terms, they couldn't talk and could only make gestures as to what they were trying to say. For the most part, Elsa seemed to understand them. Sure, she was awkward when it came to communicating with other people. But, it was nice to have someone who can actually talk to you. Being the only elemental with a human form was kinda a bummer.

Until one day...

~I know you
I walked with you
Once Upon a Dream

The voice wasn't like her mother's, who was the secret siren calling out to her from the beginning. It was more angelic and warm than siren-like and haunting. The voice was soft, sweet but strong in tone and range. It was definitely another woman, perhaps someone lost in the woods and singing a song to pass the time. Either way, Elsa wasn't going to stand by while someone could be in trouble.

Suddenly, Nokk appeared, as if sensing her concern and need to find this woman. Turning to face the water horse, the ice sorceress said, "Nokk, please lead me to that voice. Someone might be lost in here."

The horse of water allowed the woman to climb on it before they trotted quickly towards the singing. They zoomed past trees and rocks, kicking up leaves as they went. Before she knew it, Elsa was in an unseen part of the forest. She haven't explored this area of the forest, but she never knew why.

~I know you
The gleam in your eyes
Is so familiar a gleam

Nokk stopped dead in their tracks in front of a cavern, where crystals were peeking out from the ceiling. The crystals were varying tints of blue, pink and purple, casting a colorful glow through the cave. It was a beautiful sight, compared to anything she had ever seen before. The blonde jumped off the horse, which went back to whatever body of water it came from.

Elsa walked into the cavern, listening to the voice carefully to cue in on a possible location. However, the vocals reverberating off the jagged walls weren't helping very much. The singing was now just a collection of whispers that didn't make sense. However, it appears that the spirit of her mother was trying to lead her in the right direction as a light moved through the crystals in the walls and ceiling.

~I know it's true
That visions are seldom
All they seem

The blonde woman ran into the hidden passage, the voice now amplified. As she jogged through the tunnel, the crystals on the walls became smoother and more lustrous. It surprised how the texture and feel of the minerals changed so slowly, as if the cave itself wanted her to feel the difference in the crystals. It was like a naturally spawned museum of precious stones...

Once Elsa reached the end, she entered a room that was strange yet unique. It looked as if the crystals were sculpted and chiseled to look like the inside of a palace. It almost looked like the ice castle she built in the mountains a few years ago. Same designs and patterns over the doorways, same diamond, snowflake and elemental imagery.

~But, if I know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
The way you did
Once Upon a Dream

There was a split staircase with chiseled railing, surprisingly leading to a second floor of the cavern. As she listened closer, she then realized that the singing was coming from the mentioned second floor. With some thought, she decided to investigate who and what this voice was. She climbed up the stairs on the right side, her curiosity guiding her the whole way up.

As Elsa reached the final step, the female voice was as clear as day. Stepping into the room, she was drawn to what was in the center of the room. Or rather, who was in the room...

It was a young woman, dancing under the crystalline chandelier. Her long hair was wavy and were pastel colors of pink, blue and purple. She wore a lavender dress with pink shoes and a light blue scarf slung over her shoulders. Under further inspection, the blonde could see she was wearing jewelry with crystals of the same color scheme as the rest of her attire.

She's so... beautiful, the ice sorceress thought as she watched in wonder as the mysterious woman dance and sing to her heart's content. Part of Elsa wanted to join her, but she didn't want to startle the woman. But, she could feel her resistance wavering, no matter how much she composed herself.

~La da, La da da da
Da da da, da da

Unable to resist the temptation anymore, the blonde walked up to this gorgeous angel. As she slowed down her twirling, the crystal gypsy unknowingly placed her hands into the ice queen's. She was so content in her own little world, she didn't notice the new partner behind her until she sang the next verse.

~But, if I know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once
(Elsa joins in)
~The way you did
Once Upon a Dream

The woman gasped and turned around to see Elsa, who looked astonished herself. The woman turned herself completely around to face the blonde, adjusting her scarf.

"I'm sorry. It just... you looked so beautiful when you were dancing and singing."

"Oh, no, no, no, no, it's fine. I just wasn't expecting someone to sing along with me," the lady replied, brushing a strand of loose hair behind her ear. There was deafening silence between the two women for a short while until the crystal gypsy spoke again, "I'm (Y/N), by the way."


"Well, Elsa, would you like a tour of my home?"

"That would be really nice, thank you."

As the two explored the underground castle, both wondered how they got so lucky to have someone like each other...

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