Chapter One

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Leo Roth hummed quietly to himself as he crutched down the hallway towards Charlie and Kara's room. No one really knows why that room is the room everyone goes to to hang out. It kinda just happened. Dash was doing a breathing treatment and Jordi was talking to Doctor McAndrew and Emma.. He was trying to avoid Emma at the moment. The bald boy grinned as he came into the room, looking at Charlie who was laying in his bed, what else was new, before glancing over at Kara.

"Can I help you?" the blonde asked snappily, giving Leo a look.

Ah, Kara. You're always so nice.

Leo chuckled quietly and rolled his eyes. "Good morning to you too, sunshine. What's the matter? Hunter hasn't come to see you yet?"

Hunter Cole, that's who Leo is talking about. He's pretty new to the group, he needs a new liver. Him and Kara were a thing but, by the way Kara has been acting I don't think that's the case anymore. Nurse Jackson tried to warn her. Hunter is the stereotypical "bad boy". Kara knew that and that's part of the reason why she liked him so much. He was blunt and not afraid to tell her how it is.

"Can you be anymore annoying?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I mean I could but I'd like to make it out of the hospital alive." Leo smirked, making his way over to her bed before sitting down in the old, plastic, hospital armchair next to the bed.

Those chairs are so gross. They smell so much and I'm pretty sure they've been here since the day the hospital opened. They make an awful sound when you sit in them too, kinda like a groan, like they're exhausted and can't be bothered to have anyone sit in them.

"Why are you here anyways? Aren't there other people you could be bothering right now? What happened to Emma?" Kara asked, raising a brow as she looked over at Leo. Leo frowned, shaking his head.

"We're not on the best terms right now." he shrugged, looking away.

Emma Chota, the girl next floor. She's probably the one out of all of us that genuinely cares the most about everyone. Before Kara came she would come into my room everyday and sit in the chair next to my bed and talk to me. She would fill me in on what happened that day, although I already knew, she didn't know that of course. No one does. She smells really nice too, like vanilla and sunshine and she's really pretty. She's anorexic and that's why she's at Ocean Park. She's been here for almost two months. Her and Leo dated for a little while when she first came here but then they broke up. They ignored each other for a week and then they were back to being friends. Then about two weeks ago they got back together and now they're broken up again. They'll make up soon, they always do. They care about each other too much not to.

"Aww, did you two lovebirds break up again?" Kara asked, smirking slightly. "Knowing you two you'll be back to sucking faces by tomorrow morning."

"Shut up, Kara. Just shut up. You're such a bitch you know that? I thought you were finally going to be different after Hunter changed you and made you nice but I should have known that wouldn't last." Leo said angrily, slowly standing back up, using his crutches to balance himself.

Leo, c'mon. You basically just started World War Three and I'm the one who's going to have to listen to her rant all day. You can leave the room and not have to listen to her, I can't!

Kara stood up hastily, pointing to the door. "Out. Get out now. You don't get to just come in here and start shit just because you're all butt hurt that Emma broke up with you again. So you and your little bald head and your one real leg and one weird robot leg can get the hell out." she said coldly, glaring at him.

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