Prolouge of Sorts

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Hi. I'm Charlie. I'm a patient here at Ocean Park Hospital and let's just acknowledge the elephant in the room. Yes, I'm in a coma. I was in a car crash with my dad and that's how I ended up here. I'm not a complete vegetable though, I'm aware of my surroundings and what's going on, I'm just not "conscious". I'm basically the commentator. At least that's how I like to look at it. I'm also one of the youngest patients on the floor but I don't mind. Most people think that when you have to stay in a hospital its because you're dying and its just a matter of time until you die but in reality, most people find out who they really are at hospitals. You can do some serious soul searching, especially if you're me and you literally just lay in bed all day everyday.

At Ocean Park there's a school for the kids that have to stay here for long periods of time to go to. The doctors and nurses want us to feel somewhat normal. Speaking of the doctors and nurses, they're the ones that make sure we all stay in line. I cause a lot of trouble just laying here you know. Ha I kid. The other kids are the ones that cause all the chaos and I love it and secretly you know the doctors and nurses do too. Just because we're sick doesn't mean we're not just like other teenagers. Well in my case, other preteens. Ocean Park has just became our home. That's what I find so interesting about humans, you take them out of their surroundings and put them in a completely different one and they'll automatically start to adapt. It's just in our nature.

People think that when you go to the hospital life stops. But it's the opposite - life starts.

You don't go to a hospital to die.

You go to live.

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