Chapter Three

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A couple days have passed since the new girl from the mental health floor came up and things have pretty much been the same. Leo and Emma still aren't talking and Kara is still mad at the world. Hunter hasn't came up to see her once and she's finally come to terms with what happened. They're over. Emma had her weigh in and of course she's still underweight, what else is new. What do you expect from a girl that doesn't eat?
Nurse Jackson was on her way back up to the floor from her lunch break when she decided to check into the school and make sure all the kids were doing what they were suppose to. She peered into the room, raising a brow when she noticed Leo and Dash sitting together, Jordi sitting behind them. Kara was on the opposite side, glancing over at Hunter who sat in the back. Emma was in the middle by herself, reading a book and Amber was in the very back with no one around her. She was actually kind of mad that the other kids hadn't even tried to talk to the girl but instead kept her secluded. She was going to change that.
Leo, Dash, and Jordi were sitting in the swamp when Nurse Jackson came in, her arms folded over her chest. "You three. Rec room. Now." The three boys just looked at each other, confused on what was going on. "You heard me. Go." she said again, giving them a look.

"Why?" Leo asked finally, looking up at her. "Why do we have to go there?"

"Because I said so. Anymore questions?" she asked, raising a brow. Jordi was the first to stand up, Nurse Jackson kinda scared him.

"C'mon guys let's just go." he said with a shrug, walking towards the door. Dash was the next to follow, Leo was hesitant but he finally followed them down the hall and to the rec room.

Six down, one to go.

Nurse Jackson, what are you doing?

Nurse Jackson nodded to herself, smirking slightly. She walked out of the room and headed back down the hallway towards Charlie and Kara's room.

Kara was sitting on her bed, staring out the window when she heard someone walk into the room. "What do you want?" she asked, not looking away from the window.

"I need you to go to the rec room." Nurse Jackson said, looking across the room at the girl. Kara groaned, rolling her eyes.

"I don't want to do arts and crafts or play duck duck goose." she grumbled, crossing her arms. Nurse Jackson couldn't help but chuckle. Sometimes Kara's sarcasm was funny.

"There will be no arts and crafts or duck duck goose playing. C'mon let's go." she said, clapping her hands. The blonde groaned and slowly stood up, glaring at Nurse Jackson.

"For someone with a heart problem you guys sure do like making me move a lot." she grumbled, sighing loudly as she made her way out of the room, turning left and walking down the hallway before turning left again and walking into the rec room.

The rec room. It's obviously just a place for the patients on this floor to go and relax. It's basically just a lot of couches and chairs in a colorful room. No one really goes there though.

Kara froze when she walked into the room and noticed who all was there. Leo, Dash, and Jordi sat on one couch, Emma looking very uncomfortable on another couch, the new girl sitting in a chair in the corner, and then there was Hunter standing over next to the windows. This was the first time she had seen him in a long time. She quickly turned to leave but Nurse Jackson was blocking the door.

"Now I bet you're all wondering why you all are here." Nurse Jackson said, closing the door. Emma pulled her knees up to her chest and laid her head on them, sighing softly. She didn't want to be here.

No one does, Emma.

Kara huffed and rolled her eyes, leaning up against the wall. "Can you just tell us so we can leave?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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