Chapter THREE

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    I woke to the early sun. Without even looking at the clock, I knew it had to have been at least eight. I sat up and glanced around the room. I noticed Amanda was not sleeping. Her bed had blankets thrown on top, twisted with her white sheets. She must have already gone down stairs. I thought with a yawn. I looked outside to see the bay returning to it's light blue color. I stood up and began to cross the room when I saw something, poking out of the corner of Amanda's bag. I stood in the middle of the room, trying to decide whether to leave it or investigate. Now, I know what I should have done, but curiosity got the best of me. Curiosity can either be your best friend or your worst enemy, you know. I pulled at the thin paper- like thing. I knew immediately what it was. Yet I still looked at it. I just wanted to confirm. It was a picture of Amanda with who I assume to be her aunt. The two of them were sitting on the couch and laughing. I knew Amanda kept this picture very close to her heart. I felt like I had been standing, looking at the picture, for what seemed like years. I slipped the picture back into Amanda's bag and and started my journey downstairs.

    I made my appearance in the dining room shortly after leaving the confides of my room. I didn't look very presentable, but that was because I ddin't realize we had company. I was greeted by Ms. Winnie, Ms. Hillary, Amanda, Taylor, Kat... and a man I didn't even know.  "Good Morning." Ms. Winnie smiled, "Take a seat. We were just chatting with Mr. Gregory. He is our neighbor and he also orphans children..." I sat across from Taylor, who winked and whispered, "Yeah and he orphans boys. The boys orphanage is just down the street."

"And we were invited to go over for lunch." Kat purred. I smiled and went into the kitchen to get something to eat.

    I was rummaging through the cabinets and the drawers when Ms. Hillary came in. "Looking for something to eat, dear?" I nodded and shut the cabinet. "Why don't you just have a Pop Tart? They're in the pantry." I thanked her and went to receive my Pop Tart.

    I slapped the Pop Tart onto a plate, not even bothering to warm it up. I went back into the dining room to eat. I took a seat and nibbled the strawberry flavored pastry as I listened to some of Mr. Gregory's stories. He was very vivid when it came to detail, making him an excellent story-teller. His stories of adventure made it hard to believe he was talking about reality. Yet, you knew he was telling the truth due to just the way he told the stories. Mr. Gregory made a good first impression on me, making it hard when he said he had to leave, even though we would be seeing him later in the day. "I have to be getting back to the boys, but I will be delighted to see you ladies again later." Mr. Gregory stood up, pushing in his chair. Ms. Hillary showed him out. I stood up, bringing the purple plate to the sink with only crumbs left. When I re-entered the dining room, I noticed Taylor and Kat had already left, and Amanda standing up from her seat. Everyone was going back upstairs to change.

     As we were climbing Mt. Everest, Amanda brought something up that I apparently failed to notice. "Do you think Ms. Hillary has a crush on Mr. Gregory?" My mouth swung open. I wouldn't have even thought about something like that without Amanda bringing it up. After thinking about, I thought she may be right. "You might be right. Either that, or its' the other way around." She looked at me then. I don't know why, but it seemed like her thinking of Ms. Hillary and Mr. Gregory brought some kind of memory back to her. It must have had something to do with her aunt. But I didn't have the courage to ask. I really didn't need her crying. But then again, she probably would just plaster a smile on her face. Why does she have to put on an act? I surely don't. I'm known as the more 'serious' one in the house at times. I know I really didn't smile much, but it's not like I hate to joke around or anything. Hopefully I'm the only one who can see through her act, or else she'll be eaten alive...

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