Chapter Five

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    Ms. Winnie gathered us all outside. With her in front, we began walking down the street. Amanda and I walked along side Stephanie. We laughed at ourselves, thinking how strange it must look to have a giant group of girls just strolling down the street. The road was, however, never busy.

    It didn't take too long to get the the boy's orphanage. Just like our house, it was average looking. It wasn't very big compared to our house, though. The house probably looked more like the old house. When we arrived, Mr. Gregory greeted us at the door, and told us the boys were just finishing 'tidying up'. "Well, you know boys; trying to look good for you young ladies..." Mr. Gregory smiled. Whatever. That just made me want to barf. Most of the girls were only like twelve (I was fourteen), so was that neccesary to say? There was one person who laughed. Laughed really hard. Like REALLY hard. It was Ms. Hillary. Of course. She laughed and wouldn't stop! "She totally likes Mr. Gregory!" I whispered to Amanda and Stephanie. We giggled quietly.


    Mr. Gregory lead us to a long table outside; near the sand of the bay. The small waves crashing against the shore was calming, and not too loud. I sat near the corner of the table, in the shade of a nearby oak tree. Amanda sat across from me, and Stephanie sat next to her. Most of the other girls sat in clumps, but some sat scattered. They were all in hopes of having the hottest guy sit next to them (ahm Kat. She ended up wearing this allaborate dress, while the rest of us were wearing shorts and some girls wore skirts).

    We had probably been waiting around eight minutes before the boys began outside. The boys were carrying plates and platters of food. There were easily twelve boys; probably more. They scattered the platters around the table, in easy reaching distance fore those close to the platters. We were all eager to eat, but when the boys sat down, most forgot about food. I wasn't expecting any boy to sit next to me, but when one sat at the corner place, I nearly screamed. "Is anyone sitting here?" The boy asked me polietly. I shook my head. My mouth was probably hanging wide open, but I was in such shock I didn't even care. He smiled at me while he attempted to get comfortable in his fold out chair. I looked into his face. Most would just notice his beautiful brown hair and his gorgeous blue eyes, but I noticed a lot more. For instance, he had a scare that was half hidden by his hair line. His eyes, along with his face, was smiling and glowing. It may have been the sun's angle, but he was definatley glowing. The food was being passed around, but I didn't really want to take my eyes off of him. It wasn't actually until I started talking to him that I found out his name, "Hey. I'm Shay." I said after snapping back into reality. "Hi. I'm Jason." He picked up a platter, gesturing towards me. "Ham?" Even the way he said ham was sexy!

"Oh. Um... No thanks. I'm a vegitarian." I took the platter from Jason and passed it to the person next to me. When I turned in my seat, I noticed another guy on that side. He was staring at Amanda, who, probably for the first time in months, was ACTUALLY smiling. None of that fake stuff. "Ehum..." I coughed. The boy looked at me. "Oh sorry! I'm Troy." He stuck out a hand for me to shake. "Could you just take the ham?" I pushed the platter towards him.

"Sorry." Troy confessed, smiling a wide grin. When he was turned, I thought that he must have been the 'house clown', because he definatley wasn't the 'house looker'. Jason just started laughing at Troy. I turned around as Jason shouted at Troy, "You really never were good with girls!" I could see Troy blush, which looked really strange with his freckles. It made his freckles look like they were on fire! I couldn't help but giggle. I turned to get the other dish Jason was handing me. This time it was watermelon, opposed to pig. I greedily took half the bowl of watermelon, figuring there wouldn't be much more that would appeal to me.

    The meal was good, and Jason and I casually chatted through most of the meal. Sometimes I would talk to Amanda, who had a guy next to her on the side Stephanie wasn't. Most of the time our section of the table just had casual sub-conversations. I didn't even care what was going on on the other half of the table.

    It was time to go. Well, that's what Ms. Winnie claimed anyway. She was probably just jealous of her sister talking to Mr. Gregory the whole time. The three of them all had to sit at a table closer to the house. I could guess Ms. Hillary probably didn't want to leave, but she would have to eventually.

    The boys all said their good-byes, and I smiled at Jason before we left. He smiled back, waving bye to me. I knew Ms. Hillary would definately try to get us together again.

    When we got back to the house, all the girls were chatting rapidly; most talking and bragging about how cute the boy next to them was. I kept my brags to myself (even though I would probably win if there was a contest). I was surprised to see Kat sitting by herself in the corner of the room, NOT bragging. That's a first. I could get Kat mad about bragging about my guy, but I kept my trap shut... for once.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2012 ⏰

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