Tik Tok

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Percy inhaled a shallow breath. Today was the day. He was a man now, and men face their fears, so he was going to do it. He was going to face his fear. Kissing his best friend, Annabeth Chase.
Okay, so maybe he should back it up. Percy, being a teenager who didn't live under a rock, had downloaded Tik Tok about a month after it was released on the App Store. He was getting quite a following too; 700k followers and counting.

Anyways, he'd been seeing this thing going around, where people kissed their best friends who they also had crushes on just to see what would happen or if their feelings were returned, and Percy figured to hell with it.

So yeah, he was going to kiss Annabeth Chase, who was quite possible the most beautiful, scary, intelligent, and adorable person he'd ever known. Yeah, somehow she managed to be all those things all at once.

"Percy?" Annabeth called, wandering into his room. It was a rainy afternoon, and she was staying the night so they could study for their Econ final (AKA: they were going to watch movies and then Annabeth would let Percy cheat off of her the next day).

"Yeah?" Percy replied, turning halfway to acknowledge her. What a mistake that was.

As soon as he saw her, his heart stopped. She was wearing some shorts that exposed her tan, mile-long legs, and some pink fuzzy socks. Her golden locks tumbled around her shoulders carelessly, shining bright as the sun. What really got him though, was the oversized pale blue hoodie she was wearing. It stretched all the way down to her mid thigh, and the sleeves were so long they covered her hands completely. It was Percy's sweater.

"Whatcha doing?" she inquired, flopping onto her belly on Percy's bed and peering at him curiously with her stormy gray eyes. They were lighter today, taking on a bluish hue.

His heart was pounding hard in his chest, sending tremors to the rest of his body. Was it hot in here, or was he just really sweaty and clammy all of a sudden?

Stop being a pussy Jackson, he scolded mentally. Go on and kiss the girl.

"Hello? Seaweed Brain?"

"Huh?" Percy blinked, staring at Annabeth's hand from where it was waving before his face.

"I said, what are you doing?" Annabeth repeated, sounding exasperated. She had an endeared smile on her face as she rolled her eyes at him. Gods, he was a goner.

Percy shrugged, pressing the record button on his phone. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her into him, squeezing her tight and breathing in her scent.

"I'm filming a Tik Tok of our adventure," he mumbled into her hair.

Annabeth poked her head up to gaze at him. "Adventure?"

"Yeah, movies, studying, all that pizazz." Percy hoped he sounded convincing, and that she couldn't hear his raging heart as he held her close.

Before he could stop himself, he blurted, "You look really good in my sweater, by the way."

He couldn't miss the furious blush that covered her cheeks as she detangled herself from his embrace.

"I'll go put on the movie and make some popcorn," she suggested meekly.

This was going to be hard.
Percy glanced at his phone, recording from where it was propped up by a mug on his coffee table.

He sneaked a glance at Annabeth too, curled into his side, and wondered if kissing her was worth messing up this moment going on between the two of them.

The gentle pitter patter-ing of the rain outside provided a soft backdrop of noise in the dim long room. Annabeth had chosen Phantom of the Opera as their movie (one of her secret favorites), and the light from the TV was reflecting on Annabeth's face in the most angelic way. She had her head burrowed into Percy's neck, her hair making its way into every crevice and her soft breathing tickling the sensitive skin there. She was mouthing the words to the songs, tracing the words into his skin.

"Love me, that's all I ask of you," Annabeth mimed, her eyes glued to Raoul and Christine as they shared a passionate kiss.

Percy glanced at his phone nervously, still recording. Monkey see, monkey do, he shrugged, watching the couple on screen kiss.

Swiftly, he took Annabeth's chin in his hand and turned her face, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips.

Oh, wow, was the only coherent thought he could make out. He was surely melting. Her lips were soft and plush, like pillows made of clouds, and he could taste hints of her strawberry chapstick.

When he pulled back, Annabeth's eyes were wide and her cheeks flushed. She looked like a deer trapped in headlights.

Oh no, he cringed, she didn't like it. She doesn't like me, I've made a huge mi-

All thoughts were promptly pushed from his mind as she fisted the front of his t-shirt as yanked him in for another kiss. Their mouths slid against one another, slotting together perfectly like puzzle pieces. Annabeth looped her arms around his neck, pulling him over her on the sofa. His senses were being overloaded by strawberry chapstick and lemon scented shampoo and vanilla perfume and just- Annabeth.

When they finally pulled away, Annabeth smiled at him shyly.

"Took you long enough Seaweed Brain," she teased.

Percy's jaw dropped. "I-"

Annabeth covered her mouth with a dainty hand as she laughed at him.

"Don't make fun of me," he grumbled, flopping down and burying his face in her neck. She smelled like cupcakes, so he nibbled kisses down the slope of her neck.

"Don't you know I'll never- ah, Percy, that tickles- never, ever make things easy for you Seaweed Brain?"

Percy brought his face up to hover over hers. She looked so beautiful. He couldn't stop himself from reaching out and tucking a hair behind her ear. She sighed breathily, leaning into his touch.

"How about you shut up and let me keep kissing you?"

Percy covered Annabeth's laughter with a kiss. And another, and another, and a— well, you get the gist.

The Tik Tok racked up a million views the next day.

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