Missing Piece

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Before reading, please read the note below. It contains slight spoilers, but I felt this was necessary to clear the air.

I have read your comments on this story, and while I love reading the sweet things you all have to say, one thing I will NOT condone is hate. I understand that people are upset by a certain shipping in this fic, and it is personally not a ship that I'm into as well seeing as I'm a mainly Percabeth account. HOWEVER, those of you who are leaving comments saying Ava would be more perfect if she had a different mother or not supporting the fact that she has a different mother, please know those kinds of comments have no place in my stories. First of all, it would not have made sense to the plot AT ALL to have Annabeth be Ava's mother, and the story literally wouldn't have existed if the above was true, and second of all, while this story is completely fictional, it is extremely harmful to insinuate that children can only be perfect based on who their parents are. I created this story with the idea of introducing a positive viewpoint on blended families, because family is what you make of it, and also to help people see past the stigma of evil step parents.

That being said, please do not spread negativity in my comments and please be respectful to one another. I have no qualms about deleting comments or blocking users who continue this behavior.

Sorry for the long rant. Please enjoy the following story.
Percy hadn't intended for things to happen like this, but he was just hit by a stroke of bad luck. His mom had been called in for an emergency parent-teacher conference for Estelle after she got in trouble at school, meaning he was left without a sitter. And of course, all of his other friends happened to be busy that day at that time, so there was no backup. Meaning, he had to take Ava to class with him. It was a good thing he'd already warned his professor about the possibility of that happening, and that his professor was lenient about having kids in his class.

So, here he is, running around his house trying to find things to keep her occupied and prevent her from being a disturbance in class. So far he's packed her favorite doll, her blanket, and some papers alongside some coloring supplies. All with fifteen minutes remaining before class started.

Jumping up and down as he struggles to pull on his sneakers, Percy calls out, "Ava! Let's go sweetie, we're going to be late!"

Percy smiles at the sound of little footsteps padding down the hallway. His four year old daughter blinks at him, confused. Her curly red hair is a mess, and she's holding the stuffed dog Rachel had gotten her.

"Where we going Daddy?" she asks sweetly, sucking her thumb into her mouth.

Percy melts. His daughter never fails to make him smile. "You're going to school with Daddy today because Grammy has to do something with Aunty Estelle, remember? I told you this morning while you were eating your waffles."

"Oh," Ava mutters. "I forgots."

Smiling and swinging his daughter into his arms, Percy teases, "I can tell. Let's go get you dressed, alright?"

Ava nods, still sucking her tongue.

"Hey, didn't daddy tell you to stop sucking your thumb like that too?" Percy raises a brow at his adorable daughter.

Ava wipes her thumb on her shirt sheepishly and flashes him a coy smile. "Oh, I forgots."

Percy laughs loudly and blows a raspberry on her cheek, making her giggle sweetly. "Come on sweet girl, we gotta get you dressed."

Fifteen minutes later, Percy and Ava are settled in class, Ava making doodles on a piece of printer paper while Percy scribbles notes into his notepad. He's working as a manager at their local grocery store right now, but he's close to getting his degree in marine biology so he can take a higher paying job at the aquarium as a researcher. He'd get to work with a team: rescuing endangered marine animals, researching new ways to preserve marine life; all that cool stuff. Plus, Ava is going into kindergarten next year and he wants to be able to afford to buy her new clothes and school supplies.

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