Chapter 1.

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The picture is of Crystal.

I just got home from school and ran up to my room. I started on my English essay and hoped my mom wouldn't come home drunk tonight. I was half way through my essay when the doors down stairs opened. Shït shes home. I hide my homework under the bed or else she'll rip it and make me start all over again. I sit up and have my back against the wall. It wasn't always like this. I used to be spoiled and loved.

~Flash Back~
I came home from a friends house one day, it was the middle of summer, a nice beautiful day, I was 12. I walked into my house and went to go see my dad. He's been sick the past few weeks with a cold. At least thats what he said. I walked up there to see him peacefully sleeping. It has been forever since I have seen dad sleeping that peaceful. I looked over his face more carefully. It was pale. I shook his arm which was cold.
"Daddy! Wake up daddy! You can't leave me! Me and mommy need you!" I screamed. After crying for who knows I ran down stairs to the phone and called 911. They came in with a stretcher and a black bag. Whats that? They had me wait in the living room with a nice police officer. She showed me all her weapons and it was cool. My mom came in the house and looked at me. Tears blurring her vision. The stretcher came down the stairs and my father body was now in the black bag. My mom started screaming and bawling her eyes out. The officers calmed her down and left. The second they pulled away she looked at me. Hate in her eyes. She looked me over disgusted. This was not the mom I knew. She loves me and spoils me like dad does.
"It's your fault. The doctor told him if he didn't has stress he could last a few more months. It was the lying to you that killed him! Your a mistake! Your nothing!" She yells. I cower down and tears fall from my eyes. Then I feel glass against my head. I grab the back of my head as it throbs in pain. My mother laughs at me.
"Worthless piece of dirt. Clean this up!" She yells before leaving. I run to the bathroom and tie a towel around my head. Did my mother seriously just smash something glass against my head? I cleaned up the mess and went to bed crying the whole night.

~End of flashback~

Yea, my life kinda sucks. She still beats me. Its a every other day thing. I thought it would stop by now. I mean its been two years. What ever can't stop it now. My mother opens the door quietly.
"Hey Crystal, I have a friend over, would you mind popping a pizza in the oven?" She ask nicely. Woah. What happened....
"Uh yea sure." I said getting up. I put my beanie on my head and walked down stairs. I passed the living room to see my mom sitting down talking to an older lady. I preheated the oven and took the pizza out of the freezer. I take it out of the box and set it on a round pizza thing. After the oven beeps I set it in and sat down at the table looking through my two year old IPod. Its sooo old! My friend Tiffany downloads new music on it for me though. Thank god I have her. Shes the only one who knows about the abuse, well besides the school nurse, shes suspicious. One day I feel in Gym and I went to the nurse for her to check my arm. She noticed red marks all over my arm. She told me it would be easier if I took off my hoodie so I did. She saw my other arm which was worse. She stared at me in shock and I told her I trip and fall a lot. I hear the buzzer going off so I take the pizza out and set it down to cool while I get water, juice and tea out. My mom actually lets me eat with her when people are here so. I cut the pizza and set it on the table as well. I walk to the door to the living roo, and clear my throat.
"Dinner is ready." I announce. I walk back in and grab two slices and set them on my plate. The whole dinner was quiet. After we finished I did the dishes and went up to my room. I sat down on my bed and looked at the wall. I heard a knock at my door.
"Come in." I say loud enough for them to hear. In comes the older lady.
"Hi Crystal, I'm Lisa. Your mother asked me to come here today." She says.
"I figured. May I ask why your up here though?" I asked
"Hun, I'm a witch. Your mother paid me to turn you into some sort of animal. Now whats your favorite animal?" She asks me. No surprise there. Mom wants me gone. I already knew of witches, vampires, werewolves and other creatures. Not many people did, but once I saw a vampire draining a robber of his blood. He spotted me after and explained he's a good guy, only drinks from bad people. I was 11, he also told me about werewolves and witches. She scans my room and sees drawings of wolves. Shes smile and looks at me.
"Wolves?" She asks.
"Yea." I mutter.
"Your mom wanted the spell to be permanent. But I'm going to make it so there's a way you can be a human again. If someone finds out your really a human you will turn back into a human after 2 days." She whispers.
"How is someone suppose to know a human was turned into a wolf?" I asked.
"Thats for you to figure out." She smiles. She nods her head at the door. I follow her down stairs and into the back yard.
"Run north for 2 weeks and you will be in Washington state. Wolves there are not aloud to be hunted. Good luck child." She whispers before saying a spell under her breath. I feel my bone cracking. I try to scream out in pain but my mouth won't open. Once the pain stops I look at the witch. She smiles and holds up a mirror. I'm a medium sized wolf. Pure white, and I also have my Crystal Blue eyes. Oh yea thats why I'm named Crystal, it's because of my eyes. She looks at me and nods north. Okay time to start my journey.

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